This is my first experience with tkinter
package. I'm trying to show a large image (5000, 5000) on a small window using x and y scrolls to explore the whole image. By following this answer, I have implemented a ScrollabarImage
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
class ScrollableImage(tkinter.Canvas):
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
self.image = kw.pop('image', None)
super(ScrollableImage, self).__init__(master=master, **kw)
self['highlightthickness'] = 0
self.propagate(0) # wont let the scrollbars rule the size of Canvas
self.create_image(0,0, anchor='nw', image=self.image)
# Vertical and Horizontal scrollbars
self.v_scroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', width=6)
self.h_scroll = tkinter.Scrollbar(self, orient='horizontal', width=6)
self.v_scroll.pack(side='right', fill='y')
self.h_scroll.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
# Set the scrollbars to the canvas
# Set canvas view to the scrollbars
# Assign the region to be scrolled
self.bind_class(self, "<MouseWheel>", self.mouse_scroll)
def mouse_scroll(self, evt):
if evt.state == 0 :
# self.yview_scroll(-1*(, 'units') # For MacOS
self.yview_scroll( int(-1*( , 'units') # For windows
if evt.state == 1:
# self.xview_scroll(-1*(, 'units') # For MacOS
self.xview_scroll( int(-1*( , 'units') # For windows
And in the main:
if __name__ == "__main__":
hdul ='gputest.fits')
data = hdul[1].data
header = hdul[1].header
img = Image.fromarray(data, mode='F')
root = tkinter.Tk()
root.resizable(0, 0) #Don't allow resizing in the x or y direction
show_image = ScrollableImage(root, image=img)
But the result is completely wrong:
The problem is that the image is not complete, it had been cut. Even if the scrolls works, I can not move on the whole image, only a cutout has been displayed. Why this happens?
I would like to: expand the image to the whole window dimension, keeping the scrolls since the image is larger than the window size. I tried to fined an explanation and correct the code, but I was not able to find a solution, maybe because I'm quite new to tkinter