I've been doing python for around 3 weeks now so very new to it. Don't judge me on my code! :)
I have made an app to enable basic network ops functions to be performed at the click of a button, tasks like: Disable/ Enable interface Disable/ Enable interface security Show interface Vlan/Status Database of switches with auto lookup based on computer name.
However, the last thing I need is to be able to inspect a log file on the switch and then every few seconds run an update in order to get the last few entries. This is used to find a user by monitoring an interface for up/down status when they pull their connection and then plug it back in again.
I have got the code to extract the file cut separate it into a list then edit the list to show the last 10 entries: This uses the Junos-EZNC library to interact with the switch:
def monitorInterface():
username = usernameEntry.get() # Get username from entrybox in mainWindow
password1 = passwordEntry.get() # Get password from entrybox in mainWindow
hostIP = SwitchIPEntry.get() # Get switch IP from entrybox in mainWindow
switchPort = SwitchPortEntry.get() # Get switchport from entrybox in mainWindow
count = 0
with Device(host=hostIP, user=username, password=password1) as dev: # Logon bits
dev.open() # Open connection
while count < 10:
logReturn = dev.rpc.get_log(filename='messages') # Grab file
logReturn1 = etree.tostring(logReturn, encoding='unicode', pretty_print=True) # convert file to readable
logReturn2 = logReturn1.split('\n') # Split file in to list based on new line
logReturn3 = logReturn2[-10:] # read last 10 results of the list
TextBoxData.insert(INSERT, logReturn3) # Print List of 10 in textbox
The problem I am having is that I want this def to toggle on/off and have it run every few seconds so that it can show the up/down message that appears on the log that is being pulled off the switch in almost real-time give or take a few seconds.
At the moment my code locks up during the def running. What I'm looking for is some sort of subprocesses? I can push this to so that the main loop is not affected by its running? So I can have "while button x is true: (do the function) and not stop the GUI from working.
I'm at the end of my skill/knowledge and I cant seem to see a good answer on Google! maybe I just don't know what to call the fix!
Any help would be great!
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! Threading was the bit I was missing!
So after a bit more Google-ing and head scratching I found the right example.
And that did the trick, Now my GUI stays alive and my "monitor interface-logs" equivalent works like a charm!
Thank you!