Python 2.7.9 Mac OS 10.10.3 Message "setCanCycle: is deprecated. Please use setCollectionBehavior instead"

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This is my first message and i hope can you help me to solve my problem.

When I launch a python script I have this message :

2015-06-10 23:15:44.146 python[1044:19431] setCanCycle: is deprecated.Please use setCollectionBehavior instead

2015-06-10 23:15:44.155 python[1044:19431] setCanCycle: is deprecated.Please use setCollectionBehavior instead

Below my script :

from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
Cadre_1 = Frame(root, width=400, height=100)
fileA = Label(Cadre_1, text="File A")
entA = Entry(Cadre_1, width=40)
entA.grid(row=0,column=1, pady=10)
open_fileA = Button(Cadre_1, text='SELECT', width=10, height=1, command = root.destroy)
open_fileA.grid(row=0, column=2)
fileB = Label(Cadre_1, text="File B")
entB = Entry(Cadre_1, width=40)
entB.grid(row=1,column=1, pady=10)
open_fileB = Button(Cadre_1, text='SELECT', width=10, height=1, command = root.destroy)
open_fileB.grid(row=1, column=2)

Who can help me to explain this message ?

how can I do to remove this message ?

PS : I use Anaconda 3.10.0 and Spyder IDE, but I have the same problem when I launch my script with the terminal.



There are 1 answers

SillyWilly On

The version of the Tkinter library which Anaconda has installed was compiled on an older version of OS X. The warnings your seeing aren't actually a problem and will go away once a version of the library compiled on a more recent version of OS X are added to the Anaconda repository.!topic/anaconda/y1UWpFHsDyQ