Would anyone have a pyTest tip if its possible to use with a Python BACnet library called BAC0? I have never used pyTest before just curious if there would be any boiler plate scripts and if my ideology is on track or not.
I have a BACnet server app below with 1 discoverable BACnet (UDP protocol) point for a demand response signal level. BACnet is a protocol quite common with building automation technology.
def make_bacnet_app():
def check_event_status():
adr_sig_object = bacnet.this_application.get_object_name('ADR-Event-Level')
adr_sig_object.presentValue = Real(ven_client.bacnet_payload_value)
# create discoverable BACnet object
_new_objects = analog_value(
description='SIMPLE SIGNAL demand response level',
# create BACnet app
bacnet = BAC0.lite()
print('BACnet APP Created Success!')
bacnet_sig_handle = RecurringTask(check_event_status,delay=5)
return bacnet
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Starting main loop")
t2 = threading.Thread(
target=lambda: make_bacnet_app())
There's some other code not shown that checks a server with requests
basically I can get the BACnet point to change with my testing by sending a GET request to this server on my home test bench laboratory:
Basically the server and BAC0 app run on the same device for my testing purposes...
And it works with just using a BACnet scan tool my BACnet point changes what I need it to do...just curious if anyone would have some tips putting a pyTest script together?
i dont even know if this is possible but can pyTest do this:
- start server.py file on remote machine (else I can just run them myself thru SSH)
- start client BAC0 script on remote machine (else I can just run them myself thru SSH)
- send GET request to server
- perform a BACnet read request with BAC0 to my BAC0 app to verify the
point reads a
- wait 100 seconds (built into my server for testing purposes)
- perform a BACnet read request with BAC0 to my BAC0 app to verify the
point reads a
- wait 100 seconds (built into my test)
I can test my bacnet server app with a simple client script that I have run on a remote machine which I should be able to stuff into a pyTest function to assert if the reading
equals a 1
or 0
. The server app and client code cannot run on the same device the scripts will error out because only one BACnet instance can run on specific port for BACnet a time.
import BAC0
bacnet = BAC0.lite()
reading = bacnet.read(" analogValue 0 presentValue")
print("The signal is: ",reading)
Not alot of wisdom here any tips appreciated!!!!!!!!
BAC0 test suite is an example https://github.com/ChristianTremblay/BAC0/tree/master/tests
The conftest.py define a "fixture" that can be used by other tests functions (to share the bacnet network for example)
Once your folder is done with the conftest.py and all the test_xyz.py files you simply run
pytest -v
and watch.[ref : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azxiv7L6CZE] [ref : https://pythontest.com/pytest-book/]