I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible. I'm using PyObjc and the iTerm2 API to create a split and send some text. Works great, but I'd like it to not steal focus if the user is doing something else; i.e. don't put iTerm in the foreground if it's not there, already.
What I have, now (also my first ever Python program - be kind):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Upgrade Homebew Casks in a new iTerm2 vertical split'''
import os
import iterm2
import osascript
import AppKit
def get_term_cookie():
Launch iTerm and get a security token.
Get a token from iTerm and store in $ITERM_COOKIE env variable.
This is required to run iterm API's without a "Do you really trust this program?"
dialog box from being presented.
See https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/-/wikis/iTerm2-Version-3.3-Security-Updates
iterm = AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().launchApplication_("iTerm")
if not iterm:
print("Failed to launch iTerm2")
return False
ret_code,os.environ["ITERM2_COOKIE"],err = (
osascript.run('tell application "iTerm2" to request cookie'))
if os.environ["ITERM2_COOKIE"]:
return True
print("Failed to get a cookie from iTerm")
print("ret_code: " + ret_code)
print ("err: " + err)
return False
async def upgrade_brew_casks(connection):
'''Connect to iTerm2 and upgrade brew casks.'''
# get a connection to iTerm app
app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)
# get the current session and make a new vertical split
active_session = app.current_terminal_window.current_tab.current_session
await active_session.async_split_pane(vertical=True)
# run the cask upgrade in the new split
new_session = app.current_terminal_window.current_tab.current_session
await new_session.async_send_text('brew cu -ay --no-brew-update\n')
# return focus to the original split
await active_session.async_activate()
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if get_term_cookie():
# Passing True for the second parameter means keep trying to
# connect until the app launches.
iterm2.run_until_complete(upgrade_brew_casks, True)