I'm making a program to transform Markdown to HTML to PDF, but with an extra functionality, page breaks.
I have managed to get the page break functionality working, see relevant part of the code:
def rectfn(rect_num, filled):
rectangle = fitz.paper_rect("A4") + (36, 36, -36, -36)
return fitz.paper_rect("A4"), rectangle, None
markdown_parser = markdown.markdown
pdf_document =
content_parts = re.split(r'<pagebreak>', self.content)
for part in content_parts:
html_content = markdown_parser(part, extensions=list(self.plugins))
story = fitz.Story(html=html_content, user_css=self.custom_css, archive=".")
document = story.write_with_links(rectfn)
However, this has broken the clickable link functionality for the final PDF document, for links that span across multiple pages.
This is because when story.write_with_links()
is called for each story or page, if that page contains links to a different story or page, it isn't able to find their destination and fails with:
RuntimeError: No destination with id=quotes, required by position_from...
Extra info in case it helps
I was able to make links work across the entire document between multiple pages, but sacrificing the "page break" functionality, by just writing the entire HTML document to PDF with a single story just like this:
story = fitz.Story(html=html_content,
document = story.write_with_links(rectfn)
This, as I said, breaks the functionality of page breaks, so the solution doesn't really work for what I actually want.
Is there a way to mantain this page break functionality and links between pages working at the same time?
I have already read the docs and asked my question over on the PyMuPDF discussion page, but I'm still looking for an answer.