pymodbus read_file_record operation does not seem to work

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I'm trying to test read file functionality of python pymodbus client library. However, after a write operation, a read operation to exact address returns empty fields:

async def test_file_record(client):
    records = [
            reference_type = 0x06, file_number = 0x01, record_number = 0x01, record_length = 0x02
    resp = await client.write_file_record(records, slave=SLAVE)
    if resp.isError():
        raise Exception(f"ERROR: modbus returned an error: {resp}")

    resp = await client.read_file_record([
            reference_type = 0x06, file_number = 0x01, record_number = 0x01, record_length = 0x02
    ], slave=SLAVE)
    if resp.isError():
        raise Exception(f"ERROR: modbus returned an error: {resp}")

{'transaction_id': 1, 'protocol_id': 0, 'slave_id': 1, 'skip_encode': False, 'check': 0, 'bits': [], 'registers': [], 'records': [FileRecord(file=1, record=1, length=2)]}
{'transaction_id': 2, 'protocol_id': 0, 'slave_id': 1, 'skip_encode': False, 'check': 0, 'bits': [], 'registers': [], 'records': []}

When I reviewed the library code, strangely it just uses empty list to create a response:

from file:

    def execute(self, _context):
        """Run a read exception status request against the store.

        :returns: The populated response
        # TODO do some new context operation here # pylint: disable=fixme
        # if file number, record number, or address + length
        # is too big, return an error.
        files = []
        return ReadFileRecordResponse(files)


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