I have PyCharm and I am trying to launch nosetests on a file. I already set the default test runner as nose. If I right click on a directory, I get a context menu entry "Run 'Nosetests in tests'". Invoking it works well and runs all the tests in the directory. However, if I right click on a file, it tries to run the file as a python program. The file is called test_something.py, and it contains routines that are recognized as tests.
PyCharm runs nosetests on directories, but not on files
473 views Asked by Stefano Borini At
Just looking for this for myself and found: Jetbrains Help. Most be a new feature. At least since version 2016.1 under the configuration tab for Run/Debug you can now select the radio button labeled "All tests in folder". Even though I edited an already existing configuration I had to reselect the folder I wanted to run.