When I use PyCharm's manage.py terminal to do a makemigrations or migrate I have the following warning message:
PyCharm can't check if the following file been updated: [filepath]
for a hundred of files located inside my webpack and babel-preset-es2015 folders, within my static/node_modules folder
The command is executed properly, but I would like to get rid of these hundreds of red warnings in the terminal. Especially since I think the migrations takes longer to be executed since I have those.
Can I somehow tell PyCharm to stop checking my node_modules or even static folders?
It's not a particularly brilliant solution but you can just comment out the line in _jb_utils.py, if you can find it. For me on OS X it was here:
~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/172.4343.24/PyCharm.app/Contents/helpers/pycharm/_jb_utils.py
Obviously you will have to redo this every time you update PyCharm though.