I'm using Windows, Python, and PyAutoGUI to try to automate some activities in Minecraft as a fun project.
I have been successful with using PyAutoGUI to switch to Minecraft once I start the script in Visual Studio Code, click on the "Back to Game" button, and then move the avatar forward by holding the "w" key.
I am using a 3rd party program called "NeatMouse" to use my numpad keys in place of using a mouse. The numpad 8 button is equivalent to moving the mouse up, which in Minecraft causes your avatar to look up. When I press this button myself in Minecraft, it works as expected, so it must be the case that NeatMouse is not the problem.
When I try to have PyAutoGUI replicate this same key press, it seems like nothing is happening.
I have tried different combinations of
- pag.press()
- pag.hold()
- pag.keyDown() & pag.keyUp()
These functions do work for the WASD keys, so I know that Minecraft is able to receive keyboard input from PyAutoGUI, so that generally must not be the problem.
Here is a sample code block of what I have tried.
import pyautogui as pag
def align_vertical_facing_axis(target):
facing = get_facing_axes()[1]
# Looking down
if facing > target:
get_facing_axes() is a function I wrote to retrieve the axes the avatar is facing as a tuple from the Minecraft debug screen. A positive value in the [1] index means the character is looking at a downward angle. When I run this script, it does print "torture" to my console so I know for sure it is entering that "if" block.
That was the long version of the explanation, the short version is: PyAutoGUI won't press the numpad keys, what do??
After some research, pyautogui.platformModule contains the mappings for numpad.
Here are the windows key mappings: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
Use the list I gave you for other key mapping values such as 0x68 for num8 and so on.