Pushwoosh - Google Cloud Messaging - Transmission

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I have to write at school about the transmission of Pushwoosh and Google Cloud Messaging. For example, which protocol is used when a notification got send from the Server via the Remote API. So I would like to know how Pushwoosh works generally, with which protocols.

I don`t really understand much of data-transmission (http, etc.) so it is hard for me, to find that out. It would be great to get an answer, if someone knows how Pushwoosh works.

Thank you!


There are 1 answers


To send message to GCM Pushwoosh uses GCM protocol. That's pretty much POST JSON message over HTTP protocol: http://developer.android.com/google/gcm/notifications.html

When sending message to Pushwoosh via Remote API you again POST JSON message over HTTP protocol: http://www.pushwoosh.com/programming-push-notification/pushwoosh-push-notification-remote-api/

HTTP protocol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol

JSON: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON

I hope it helps!