Pusher - Shared web worker variable scope

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I'm using a shared worker for a pusher in Laravel, Here XYZABC is my pusher key as string, but is there a way I can use ENV variable or variables defined in my blade file so I don't have to hard-code key there, and also need to switch channels based on country. so is there a way to access java-script variables defined in blade inside a shared worker script? this is my code

This is the sample code from the pusher community I worked on


// Pusher notification works as shared worker thread for providing
// notification across different tab for the same user, thereby reducing 
// channel count per user


// An array of the clients/tabs using this worker
var clients = [];

// Connect to Pusher
var pusher = new Pusher("XYZABC", {
    encrypted: true,
    cluster: 'ap2',
    useTLS : true

// Log pusher details to console
Pusher.logToConsole = true
// Subscribe to the channel we specified in our Laravel Event
var channel = pusher.subscribe('task-created');

// Bind a function to a Event (the full Laravel class)
channel.bind('App\\Events\\TaskCreated', function(data) {
    // Relay the message on to each client

self.addEventListener("connect", function(evt){
    // Add the port to the list of connected clients
    var port = evt.ports[0];

    // Start the worker.

There are 1 answers

aaabell On BEST ANSWER

After few research, found out workers can only communicate using postMessage or onmessage. so passed my key and country details on postMessage after worker start.

PS: Not sure if this is the correct work around or doing anything wrong here, do comment if there is better solution or mistake.

here's my Main thread

if (typeof(window.SharedWorker) === 'undefined') {
    throw("Your browser does not support SharedWorkers")
} else {
    // Start our new worker
    var worker = new SharedWorker(basePath+"/assets/frontend/js/pusher-worker.min.js");
    console.log('Worker:', worker);

    // Whenever we get a message, set the #message element to the data brought in
    worker.port.onmessage = function(evt){
        // Log's the data recieved from shared worked

    // If we get an error, log it out and close the worker.
    worker.onerror = function(err){

    // Start the worker.

    // Post pusher key and country code to worker thread
    worker.port.postMessage({key : pusherkey, country : pusherHomeCountryCode});

here's my modified Worker thread

// Pusher notification works as shared worker thread for providing
// notification across different tab for same user, there by reducing 
// channel count per user


// An array of the clients/tabs using this worker
var clients = [];

// Flag to initialize pusher only once
var initialize = false;

// These two variable value will be recieved on post message from main thread
var pusherKey = null;
var countryCode = null;

// Function to initialize pusher and subscribe to a channel
function initalizePusherFn(pusherKey, countryCode) {
    // Connect to Pusher
    var pusher = new Pusher(pusherKey, {
        encrypted: true,
        cluster: 'ap2',
        useTLS : true

    // Log pusher details to console
    Pusher.logToConsole = true

    // Subscribe to the channel we specified in our Laravel Event
    var channelName = 'task-created';
    if(typeof countryCode != 'undefined' && countryCode != '' && countryCode != 'PH'){
        channelName = channelName+"-"+countryCode;
    var channel = pusher.subscribe(channelName);

    // Bind a function to a Event (the full Laravel class)
    channel.bind('App\\Events\\TaskCreated', function(data) {
        // Relay the message on to each client

self.addEventListener("connect", function(evt){
    // Add the port to the list of connected clients
    var port = evt.ports[0];

    // On first load a post message will be called to pass pusherkey and country
    port.addEventListener('message', function(eventM){
        var data = eventM.data;
        pusherKey = data.key;
        countryCode = data.country;

        console.log(' initialize value:', initialize, '\n');
        console.log(' key:', pusherKey, '\n');
        console.log(' country code: ', countryCode, '\n');
        // Check if pusher is already initialized,
        // if not initialize and subscribe to a channel based on country
        // this should onle be working once for multiple tabs, else channel and 
        // message count will increase for pusher
            initalizePusherFn(pusherKey, countryCode);

        // set initialize as true after being initialized
        initialize = true;
    }, false);

    // Start the worker.