Push remote specific branches with different names

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Lets say we have origin with a branch called master which would be checked out by;

>> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'

Now I add the remote fork also with a branch called master which would be checked out by;

>> git checkout -b fork-master fork/master
Switched to branch 'fork-master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'fork/master'

This clearly knows what remote a given branch belongs to, and it even references the correct origin.

Lets say I want to push to origin I'd do this;

>> git push

Which would update origin/master with all changes (duh).

Below are 2 examples of pushes;

Example 1 **Correct!**;
>> git push fork fork-master:master

Example 2 **Fails**;
>> git push fork --all

This automatically pushes all fork branches to origin except for branch master which will be rejected (in case changes where made).

What I thought example #2 would do is to push fork-master to fork/master, but this isn't happening.

Can I push all remote specific branches at once without having to point them to the correct remote branch name?

I'm asking because there are a lot of branches from time to time to push.


There are 1 answers


Configure default.push to upstream

git config default.push upstream

Then, setup your local branches to track the respective remote branch:

git checkout --track -b fork-master fork/master

Use the git branch command to verify each branch has its current upstream:

git branch -vv

You can then use git push <remote> <branch> to push each branch to branch@{upstream} automatically:

git push fork fork-master fork-test fork-updates fork-123

I'm afraid there is no way to tell Git to push all branches which have their upstream set to a branch of a specific remote.

But better be specific anyway by passing all branches you want pushed on the command line. Lots of config options change behavior of push, so better be on the safe side.