I'm trying to push docker images to artifactory as part of a CI jenkins job. I have an Artifactory installed with url art:8080 I installed Docker on Win2016 and built my dockerfile.
Now I stuck in how to push the output image of the dockerfile. I tried:
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docker tag microsoft/windowsservercore art:8080/imageID:latest
docker push art:8080/docker-local:latest
but I get an error stating:
Get https://art:8080/v2/: dial tcp: lookup artifactory: getaddrinfow: No such host is known.
Where is the https getting from? How do I push to the correct local docker repo in my artifactory?
Docker requires you to use https. What I do (I use Nexus not Artifactory) is setup a reverse proxy using nginx. Here is the doc for that - https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Configuring+a+Reverse+Proxy
Alternatively, you can set Docker to not require https (though not recommended)