I'm using puppeteer-cluster in multi worker mode in nodeJS, for some reason only one worker is opening the number of concurrency browsers that I defined. The other are ignored. what am I doing wrong?
Basically i start a cluster with 2 browser concurrency for each worker so I would expect it to open number of workers (number of cpus as i defined) * 2 browsers per worker, but in reality only two browsers are opened.
For example: let's say i have 8 cores, so i am launching 8 workers, each worker will launch two puppeteer browsers, for a total of 16. instead when debugging it in headless: true mode, i see only two browsers are opened.
deps: "puppeteer": "^5.2.1", "puppeteer-cluster": "^0.22.0"
import {Cluster} from 'puppeteer-cluster';
import {ReportTimeouts} from "../../config/reports.consts";
import {isDebug} from "../../utils/env.utils";
import {IPuppeteerClusterService} from "../../interfaces/services.interfaces";
export default class PuppeteerClusterService implements IPuppeteerClusterService {
private cluster;
public getCluster() {
if (!this.cluster) {
throw new Error(`PuppeteerClusterService.getCluster: init didn't run`);
return this.cluster;
public async init() {
const args = [
const debugMode = isDebug;
const headless = !debugMode;
const concurrency = Cluster.CONCURRENCY_BROWSER;
const maxConcurrency = 2;
const cluster = await Cluster.launch({
puppeteerOptions: {
dumpio: debugMode,
handleSIGTERM: true,
handleSIGINT: true,
monitor: false, // turn this on to get cpu / memory usages
timeout: ReportTimeouts.PuppeteerClusterTimeout,
console.log(`PuppeteerClusterService.init: initialized puppeteer cluster with concurrency type ${concurrency} and max concurrency of ${maxConcurrency}`);
console.log('PuppeteerClusterService.init: running headless?: ', headless);
this.cluster = cluster;
import './src/services/monitoring/tracer';
import {config} from 'dotenv';
import * as process from 'process';
import * as http from 'http';
import * as cluster from 'cluster';
import * as os from 'os';
import App from './app';
import initORM from './src/config/sequelize_config.handler';
import routes from './src/routes';
import {DEFAULT_PORTS, REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MINUTES} from './src/config/networking.consts';
import {IServices} from "./src/interfaces/services.interfaces";
import SystemSetting from "./src/models/system_setting.model";
import Services from "./src/services";
import {ISystemSetting} from "./src/interfaces/models/system_setting.interface";
import ActiveReportSendingScheduler from "./src/logic/scheduled_tasks/active_report_sending.scheduler";
import appConfig from './src/config';
import LoggerService from './src/services/logger.service';
import DayTaggingReportSendingScheduler from './src/logic/scheduled_tasks/day_tagging_report_sending.scheduler';
import { MessageConsumingManager } from './src/logic/messaging/message_consuming.manager';
import { isDebug } from './src/utils/env.utils';
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV?.toLocaleLowerCase() || 'dev';
monitorServer(env, process);
const ports = {
http: process.env.HTTP_PORT ? Number(process.env.HTTP_PORT) : DEFAULT_PORTS.http,
const workers = [];
function setupOrm() {
const logger = LoggerService;
console.info(`setupOrm: app initiating on env ${env}`);
console.info(`setupOrm: sequelize ORM initiated`);
console.info('setupOrm: loading static tables into memory');
console.info(`setupOrm: env params are ${JSON.stringify(process.env)}`);
const setupWorkerProcesses = (services:IServices) => {
const numCores = os.cpus().length;
services.logger.info('setupWorkerProcesses: master cluster setting up ' + numCores + ' workers');
// iterate on number of cores need to be utilized by an application
// current example will utilize all of them
for(let i = 0; i < numCores; i++) {
// creating workers and pushing reference in an array
// these references can be used to receive messages from workers
// to receive messages from worker process
workers[i].on('message', function(message) {
// process is clustered on a core and process id is assigned
cluster.on('online', function(worker) {
services.logger.info('setupWorkerProcesses: worker ' + worker.process.pid + ' is listening');
// if any of the worker process dies then start a new one by simply forking another one
cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) {
services.logger.info('setupWorkerProcesses: worker ' + worker.process.pid + ' died with code: ' + code + ', and signal: ' + signal);
services.logger.info('setupWorkerProcesses: starting a new worker');
// to receive messages from worker process
workers[workers.length-1].on('message', function(message) {
async function setApp(services:IServices, systemSettings: ISystemSetting[]) {
const app = await App.init({routes, services, systemSettings, env});
services.logger.info(`setApp: app initiated on env ${env}`);
services.logger.info(`setApp: app initiated with config ${JSON.stringify(appConfig)}`);
services.logger.info(`setApp: routes: ${Object.keys(routes).join(' | ')}`);
services.logger.info(`setApp: ports: ${JSON.stringify(ports)}`);
services.logger.info(`setApp: database connection gained`);
const server = http.createServer(app)
async () => {
services.logger.info(`setApp: HTTP Server successfully started at port ${ports.http}`);
server.keepAliveTimeout = REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000; // Time (in ms) server will wait and keep the connection open after last response.
server.headersTimeout = (REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000) + 1000; // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/27363#issuecomment-603489130
function setSchedulers(services:IServices, systemSettings: ISystemSetting[]) {
const schedulers = [
new ActiveReportSendingScheduler(services,systemSettings),
new DayTaggingReportSendingScheduler(services,systemSettings),
services.logger.info(`setSchedulers: schedulers initiated on env ${env}`);
function setMessageConsumers(services:IServices, systemSettings: ISystemSetting[]){
new MessageConsumingManager(services, systemSettings).initialize();
services.logger.info(`setMessageConsumers: message consumers initiated on env ${env}`);
* Setup server either with clustering or without it
* @param isClusterRequired
const setupServer = async () => {
console.info(`setupServer: initating app in multiprocess mode`);
const systemSettings = await SystemSetting.findAll().then((settings) => settings.filter((s:SystemSetting) => !s.env || s.env.includes(env) || env.includes(s.env)));
const services: IServices = new Services(systemSettings, process.env);
await services.init();
services.logger.info(`setupServer: initiated app in multi process mode`);
if (cluster.isMaster) {
setSchedulers(services, systemSettings);
setMessageConsumers(services, systemSettings);
} else {
await setApp(services, systemSettings);
function monitorServer(env:string, proc: NodeJS.Process){
if (env !== 'production'){
console.warn(`monitorServer - not production so no monitoring.`);
if (!process.env.NEW_RELIC_KEY){
console.warn(`monitorServer - NEW_RELIC_KEY not provided, not loading.`);
if (!process.env.APP_NAME){
console.warn(`monitorServer - APP_NAME not provided, not loading.`);
const newRelic = require('newrelic');
console.info(`monitorServer - newrelic loaded: ${typeof newRelic === 'object'}`);
import {
} from "../interfaces/services.interfaces";
import {ISystemSetting} from "../interfaces/models/system_setting.interface";
import CacheService from "./cache.service";
import LoggerService from './logger.service';
import {S3FileUploader} from "./persistence/s3_file.uploader";
import {EmailSendingService} from "./sendouts/email_sending.service";
import {AdminUserService} from "./external_models/user.service";
import {ModerationService} from "./sendouts/moderation.service";
import {PowerBIAuthService} from "./power_bi/power_bi_auth.service";
import {PowerBIService} from "./power_bi/power_bi.service";
import {AdminSiteService} from "./external_models/site.service";
import {CycleTaggingService} from "./cycle_tagging.service";
import MonitoringService from "./monitoring/monitoring.service";
import ReportMonitoringServiceFactory from "./monitoring/report_monitoring.service.factory";
import {AutoSendoutCalculatorFactory} from "../logic/sendout/auto_sendout_calculator.factory";
import PuppeteerClusterService from "./screenshots/puppeteer_cluster.service";
import {RedisFactory} from "./redis.factory";
import {MutexFactory} from "./mutex.factory";
import {IMutexFactory} from "../interfaces/general.interfaces";
import {AnalyticsService} from "./analytics/analytics.service";
import {DummyAnalyticsService} from "./analytics/dummy.service";
import {IAutoSendoutCalculatorFactory} from "../interfaces/sendouts.interface";
export default class Services implements IServices {
puppeteerClusterService: IPuppeteerClusterService;
constructor(systemSettings: ISystemSetting[], processEnv: Record<string, string | undefined>){
this.puppeteerClusterService = new PuppeteerClusterService();
public async init(): Promise<void> {
await this.puppeteerClusterService.init();