So I am using the module to try to figure out automation of NRPE across hosts.
One of the available usages is
nrpe::command {
ensure => present,
command => 'check_users -w 5 -c 10';
Is there anyway to make a "group" of these commands and have them called on specific nodes?
For example:
you have 5 different nrpe:command each defining a different check, and then call those specific checks?
I am basically trying to figure out if I could group certain checks/commands together instead of setting up a ton of text in the main sites.pp file. This would also allow for customized templates/configurations across numerous nodes.
EDIT: This is the command and what it's supposed to do when called on with the 'check_users' portion. If I could have a class with a set of "nrpe:command" and just call on that class THROUGH the module, it should work. Sorry, though. Still new at puppet. Thanks again.
define nrpe::command (
$ensure = present,
$include_dir = $nrpe::params::nrpe_include_dir,
$libdir = $nrpe::params::libdir,
$package_name = $nrpe::params::nrpe_packages,
$service_name = $nrpe::params::nrpe_service,
$file_group = $nrpe::params::nrpe_files_group,
) {
file { "${include_dir}/${title}.cfg":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('nrpe/command.cfg.erb'),
owner => root,
group => $file_group,
mode => '0644',
require => Package[$package_name],
notify => Service[$service_name],
What version are you talking about? In puppet latest versions, inheritance is deprecated, then you shouldn't use it.
The easiest way would be to use "baselines".
Assuming you are using a manifests directory (
manifest = $confdir/manifests
inside yourpuppet.conf
), simply create a$confdir/manifests/minimal.pp
(or $confdir/manifests/nrpe_config.pp or whatever class name you want to use) with the content below:Then just call this class inside your node definitions (let's say in $confdir/manifests/my_node.pp) :