I´m using Rufus Scheduler 3.0.3 in a Ruby on Rails 4.1.4 web app and it´s working great with Unicorn. I moved to Puma and it´s great but I have realized Rufus is not working with Puma (daemonized).
I have read this issue #183 (comment) https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/183#issuecomment-59386038 that is closed for an earlier version, but it´s still not working and not clear to me if there is already a fix for it.
I don´t know if there is a workaround in the meantime.
UPDATE: There are not much logs to display, my rufus scheduler tasks are working when running with Unicorn, but If I change the server to Puma, it doesn´t run any automated task on my laptop. Even there is not any log to show.
I just add my current Rufus scheduler file:
require 'rufus-scheduler'
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.new
#Secretary responsible for executing events every 60 seconds.
scheduler.every '60s' do
# Statistics (Owner) calculation every 1 day.
scheduler.every '24h' do
Am I missing any configuration?
On the Puma side, I just have this config file config/puma/development.rb with only this:
stdout_redirect 'log/puma.stdout.log', 'log/puma.stderr.log', true
I don´t set up any workers, etc...
Finally, it looks there was an small issue. It has been kindly fixed by the Puma guys.
Please, see: https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/607