Puma 2.9.2 and rufus-scheduler 3.0.3 incompatibility

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I´m using Rufus Scheduler 3.0.3 in a Ruby on Rails 4.1.4 web app and it´s working great with Unicorn. I moved to Puma and it´s great but I have realized Rufus is not working with Puma (daemonized).

I have read this issue #183 (comment) https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/183#issuecomment-59386038 that is closed for an earlier version, but it´s still not working and not clear to me if there is already a fix for it.

I don´t know if there is a workaround in the meantime.

UPDATE: There are not much logs to display, my rufus scheduler tasks are working when running with Unicorn, but If I change the server to Puma, it doesn´t run any automated task on my laptop. Even there is not any log to show.

I just add my current Rufus scheduler file:



  require 'rufus-scheduler'

  scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.new

  #Secretary responsible for executing events every 60 seconds.
  scheduler.every '60s' do

  # Statistics (Owner) calculation every 1 day.
  scheduler.every '24h' do

Am I missing any configuration?

On the Puma side, I just have this config file config/puma/development.rb with only this:

 stdout_redirect 'log/puma.stdout.log', 'log/puma.stderr.log', true

I don´t set up any workers, etc...


There are 2 answers

Rober On

Finally, it looks there was an small issue. It has been kindly fixed by the Puma guys.

Please, see: https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/607

jmettraux On

No, it works.

I packaged this sample project for you:


Rufus-scheduler 3.0.3 schedules just fine with Puma 2.9.2 (Ruby 1.9.3 on Debian GNU/Linux).

Thanks for not blaming other people's work without facts.

If there really is an issue, I suggest you go and read http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html, then read it again, three times. It's most surely available in your native language. Then, if you really think rufus-scheduler is the culprit, go and open a detailed issue report at https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler/issues Beware posting crappy "it doesn't work" material, it'll earn you only negative reactions.


I strongly suggest you clone my mini-project on your machine and try it, then report the results here in the comments. The details are in the README.md of the project.


Roberto is trying to get this issue solved in parallel, directly at https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/607