Pulling image from local docker registry: download completed, but image not found

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has anyone seen that? I'm running a local registry, image uploaded from other machine, can be accessed on yet another machine but not locally where the registry is installed.

Docker version 1.5.0, build a8a31ef/1.5.0


[root@hhh radek]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
fb50aaacd282        registry:2.0        "registry cmd/regist   15 minutes ago      Up 15 minutes>5000/tcp   high_torvalds       

[root@hhh radek]# docker pull hhh:8180/name/oracle:latest
75550c09ec78: Pulling fs layer 
3912e3898de8: Pulling fs layer 
7d513a058ccf: Layer already being pulled by another client. Waiting. 
7d513a058ccf: Download complete 
FATA[0000] Error: image name/oracle:latest not found 

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