publish_actions scope is not working for the created app in facebook

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I am using publish_actions to post on my wall the content from my website.I am the admin of the app which i have create .But while logging to facebook the permission for publish_actions doesnt shows up it only shows the permission for public profile.I have mentioned my scope lik this:

$fb=Yii::app()->facebook->getLoginUrl($params = array('redirect_uri' =>Yii::app()->getBaseUrl(true)."/jobs/fbscall",'scope'=>'publish_actions'));


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To get extended permissions, you must submit your APP for review. These permissions you get pre-approved for your Facebook Application:

o) email: Provides access to the person's primary email address. This permission is approved by default.

o) public_profile: Provides access to a person's basic information, including first name, last name, profile picture, gender and age range. This permission is approved by default.

o) user_friends: Provides access to a person's list of friends that also use your app. This permission is approved by default.

Your app can ask for additional permissions at any time, even after a person logs in for the first time. For example, for the publish_actions permission. It's recommended you ask for this permission only when a person is ready to publish a story to Facebook. When you ask for new permissions, the person using your app will be asked about those new permissions and has the ability to opt out.

Additionally publishing permissions (publish_actions) will prompt a second step in the Login dialog, which can cause fewer people to log in.

For web apps, use a graph API endpoint to retrieve a list of granted permissions:

GET /{user-id}/permissions

The call must be made with either a user access token or your app access token. The call will return a JSON string containing the permission names which have been granted to the app and their status:

  "data": [
      "permission": "public_profile",
      "status": "granted"
      "permission": "**publish_actions**",
      "status": "**granted**"
      "permission": "user_friends",
      "status": "declined"