Getting above error creating new record in one2many field.
code is below:
def _compute_timesheet_hour(self):
for val in self:
self._cr.execute('''SELECT project_id, employee_id, SUM(unit_amount) FROM account_analytic_line
where project_id = %(project_id)s and employee_id = %(employee_id)s
GROUP BY project_id, employee_id''', { 'project_id':, 'employee_id':,})
res = self._cr.fetchone()
if res and res[2]:
val.timesheet_hour = res[2]
val.timesheet_hour = 0.0
At create moment the value of
doesn't exist in database. When creating a record for a model with computed fields, the records of the record-set will be in memory only. At that time the id of the record will be dummy ids of typeodoo.models.NewId