I use Invoke-RestMethod to retrieve metadata about a bunch of documents in a folder via a REST API. While the method returns all the data in a PSCustomObject, I can't figure out how to access all of it. The custom object has the properties "page", "page_total", "limit" (all System.Int32) and "data" (System.Object[]), as shown below.
There are 2 pages, since the "data" "limit" is 25 per page, but there are 30 "data" entries total. How can I access the 5 data entries on page 2? I don't even know where to start, since I don't have any experience with PSCustomObjects.
Thanks in advance!
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
data NoteProperty System.Object[] data=System.Object[]
definitions NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject definitions=@{create_date=; create_user_id=; description=; favorite=; icon=; id=; mime_type=; modify_date=; modify_user_...
definitions_map NoteProperty System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject definitions_map=@{name=System.Object[]}
definitions_order NoteProperty System.Object[] definitions_order=System.Object[]
limit NoteProperty System.Int32 limit=25
page NoteProperty System.Int32 page=2
page_total NoteProperty System.Int32 page_total=2
range_max NoteProperty System.Int32 range_max=25
range_min NoteProperty System.Int32 range_min=1
sort NoteProperty System.String sort=asc_name
total_count NoteProperty System.Int32 total_count=30
where_facet NoteProperty System.Object[] where_facet=System.Object[]
where_name NoteProperty System.String where_name=
where_type NoteProperty System.Object[] where_type=System.Object[]