What I am trying to do is intercept a function call, and prepend a header. The header is getting applied, the function itself is getting called, but the results don't have actually body.
'use strict'
const load = require('require.all')
module.exports = ({xr}) => {
const cmds = load({
dir: __dirname,
not: /index\.js$/i
const result = Object.entries(cmds).map(([k,v]) => {
return {
[k] : new Proxy(v, {
get: function (target, prop) {
return (...args) => {
return {
type: 'cmd',
}).reduce((a,b) => Object.assign({},a,b))
return result
The original function will return something like:
and I need to prepend this header.
expected output:
type: "cmd",
blocks: [...]
I would give you what I am getting as JSON except, it chokes on JSON.stringify
because of this proxy. However, in my debugger (and my code agrees because it blows up) the only thing there is type: "cmd"
Am I doing this right?