Protractor: Multiple browser instance tests fail where Single Instance tests pass

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I'm testing an Ionic application. When the app is run in the browser, the console does show that cordova.js is missing - which is right, but it doesn't break the application.

As long as I run my tests with a single browser instance, the missing files does not cause my tests to fail. Here is my configuration and spec files:

exports.config = {
  seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
  framework: 'jasmine2',
  suites: {
    test: 'e2e/test.spec.js'
  allScriptsTimeout: 60000,
  capabilities: {
    'browserName': 'chrome',
    'chromeOptions': {
            binary: '/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome',
            args: [],
            extensions: [],
  onPrepare: function() {

Here is the test file:

describe('First test', function(){
it('just verifies that everything loads correctly', function() {

The above works without errors. But opening a second browser instance causes a fail:

describe('First test', function(){
  var browser2 = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
  var element2 = browser2.element;
it('just verifies that everything loads correctly', function() {

With the error message:

  var template = new Error(this.message);
UnknownError: unknown error: cordova is not defined

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