protractor console shows different than elementor console

106 views Asked by At
                productCountInTask = taskPage.productCountInTask.getText();

this is code.

protractor console shows a long text

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bt when i do this in elementor console, it shows 2 as output. (it is a cell and i want cel value and it is 2)

element.all(by.css('td[data-header-text="products"]')).first().getText()    2

what am i doing wrong?

i tried different combinations but dd not work.

i think it is about output so when i do this


it says

 Expected '1' to be 1.

i think it is because itis string , so i used Number to convert to int but did not work

    Expected NaN to be 1.

it says for


so what to do

also for

                var a = parseInt(element.all(by.css('td[data-header-text="products"]')).first().getText());

            //checking if there is only one product


Expected NaN to be 1.

There are 1 answers

radio_head On

First of all protractor is asynchronous, so if you console log getText(), it will not give the text but a promise. Inorder to get the text, you should use then function() like:

   console.log('yyyyy', text);    