In the below code, the api gets a "Person" obj in POST body,
My technical requirement:
- If only one field of Person is sent, only that field must be compared to object from db.
- if there is a change, then call save() if not just return object from db.
- How to change the code below to be more generic and CLEAN. Any utility methods that is object type independent?
public Model.Person save(Model.Person in) {
String updateId = in.getId();
System.out.println("updateId = " + updateId);
Model.Person pExisting = get(updateId);
Model.Person.Builder outBuild = Model.Person.newBuilder(pExisting);
boolean hasChange = false;
//Change only fields that are provided in POST body.
//TODO do not compare createTs, updateTs -- they are not provided in POST to update.
if(!in.getFirstName().isEmpty()){ //TODO - Find if there is a generic util in protobuf java.
if(!Objects.equals(in.getFirstName(), pExisting.getFirstName())){
hasChange = true;
if(!Objects.equals(in.getLastName(), pExisting.getLastName())){
hasChange = true;
System.out.println("Nothing to update ... "+System.currentTimeMillis() );
return pExisting;
final Model.Person updatePerson =;
map.put(updateId,updatePerson); //TODO move to H2 or postgres later
return updatePerson;
Sample model
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
package my.model;
option java_outer_classname = "Model"; //muni.api.Model
option java_generic_services = false; //default, prevents complex generic
option java_multiple_files = false; //default behavior
message Person{
//Output only
string id=3;
string firstName = 4;
string lastName= 5;
ContactChannels contactChannels = 8;
//Output only
google.protobuf.Timestamp createTime = 1;
//Output only
google.protobuf.Timestamp updateTime = 2;