After login I am not redirecting to my users page I am using react metronic theme. I think something is wrong with props.history.push() Here what I have done so far.
Main component is below:
<App store={store} persistor={persistor} />
App component:
export default function App({ store, persistor }) {
return (
/* Provide Redux store */
<Provider store={store}>
{/* Asynchronously persist redux stores and show `SplashScreen` while it's loading. */}
<PersistGate persistor={persistor} loading={<LayoutSplashScreen />}>
{/* Add high level `Suspense` in case if was not handled inside the React tree. */}
<React.Suspense fallback={<LayoutSplashScreen />}>
{/* Override `basename` (e.g: `homepage` in `package.json`) */}
{/*This library only returns the location that has been active before the recent location change in the current window lifetime.*/}
{/* Provide `react-intl` context synchronized with Redux state. */}
{/* Render routes with provided `Layout`. */}
<Routes />
This is my routers component
{getToken()==null? (
) : (
<Redirect from="/auth" to="/"/>
<Route path="/error" component={ErrorsPage}/>
{getToken()==null ? (
<Redirect to="/auth/login"/>
) : (
this is my base component
export default function BasePage() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<LayoutSplashScreen/>}>
<Redirect exact from="/" to="/allUsers"/>
<ContentRoute path="/allUsers" component={AllUsers}/>
<Redirect to="error/error-v1"/>
this is action which I fire after sign In button
props.onLogin(values).then((res) => {
toast.success('Login Successfull')
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('error', err)
toast.error('Login failed')
and I have same AuthPage component.
api is fired success fully, token is saved successfully and toaster is shown 'Login successful'. But I am not redirecting to my desired page. But if I refresh then I am redirected to home page.
Can anyone help me with this
** history.push is working in /allUsers
route. But not working in Login component
Update: I think I found what I am doing wrong. I don't need to perform any history.push() action when I will save token(which is I am doing in my onLogin action) it should automatic redirect to AllUsers Page. I changed my approach to as below and now it is working.
const {isAuthorized} = useSelector(
({mainAuth}) => ({
isAuthorized: mainAuth.user != null,
replaced getToken with isAuthorized
But history.push() not working here is still mystery.
I think in your case you are not getting history reference in props. You can try these two solutions.