Need help creating a recursive clause is a rule: X is a power of 2 only if there is a Y such that when adding Y to Y the result is X, and Y is a power of 2. in prolog
We are going to define this predicate recursively. The followings are the fact and rule for detecting whether a numeral is a power of 2 or not:
• The base clause is a fact: 1 is a power of 2 (because 1=20);
• The recursive clause is a rule: X is a power of 2 only if there is a Y such that when adding Y to Y the result is
X, and Y is a power of 2.
For example, the following shows how the queries should be performed:
| ?- powerOf2(succ(succ(succ(succ(0))))).
true ?
| ?- powerOf2(succ(succ(succ(0)))). no
The first query shows that 4 is a power of 2; while the second shows that 3 is not.
- can not use the built-in is/2 predicate to perform arithmetic
To make it easier to represent natural numbers in Peano notation, you can use the following predicate:
To get the double of a Peano number, use the predicate:
To check whether a Peano number is a power of two, use the predicate: