I have a point cloud which is in the same coordinate system as the cameras used for capturing the image.
I have a set of points (1000000, 3)
The camera extrinsic matrix Rt
The camera intrinsic matrix K
And my image (480, 640, 3)
near=0.05 and far=20 values as well as depth scale = 1000
What i want to get out is my depth image for each camera frame I have. However, i am stuck and just get some weird offset image.
I use open3d to read the point cloud file, numpy for the calculation and matplotlib for vizualization.
if os.path.exists(PATH):
# Read
pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(PATH)
point_cloud = pcd.points # get points
# Load intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters
K = np.array([[fx, 0, cx],
[0, fy, cy],
[0, 0, 1]])
extrinsics_matrix = np.load('rt.npy') # Extrinsic matrix
# Transform the point cloud to the world coordinates using extrinsics
world_coords = np.dot(extrinsics_matrix[:3, :3], point_cloud.T) + extrinsics_matrix[:3, 3][:, np.newaxis]
# Project world coordinates to 2D image coordinates using the intrinsic matrix
homogeneous_coords = np.dot(K, world_coords)
image_coords = homogeneous_coords[:2, :] / homogeneous_coords[2, :]
image_coords = np.clip(image_coords, 0, np.array([640, 480])[:, np.newaxis])