proj4 javascript include/import from

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I have spent hours trying to include the code returned (see below) by in to my application.

proj4.defs("EPSG:2193","+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=173 +k=0.9996 +x_0=1600000 +y_0=10000000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs");

If I copy paste the code above, it works fine but I need to create the URL dynamically and want to include this code using something like:-

var url = '';

I always get the error that proj4 is undefined (line 1 of the url) so it points to a scoping issue. This is in a dojo widget (in case that is relevant). I am referencing proj4 from //

What am I missing here?


There are 1 answers


How are you loading proj4js?

If you're using AMD style then you'll need to wrap it up a bit like this:

], function(proj4) {
    var url = '';
    window.proj4 = proj4; // add to global scope
    require([url], function() {
        // now you can use proj4 with NZTM loaded in this block.

That seems a little magical to me, because you're hoping that proj4 will always be the correct name and you're adding proj4 to the global scope, which is a little unclean. I'd be inclined to use the .proj4 extension with the dojo/text AMD plugin:

], function(proj4, epsg2193) {
    // now you can use proj4 with NZTM loaded.

That means you can load both resources simultaneously.

Unfortunately it looks like that lack of Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers on the response breaks that approach, but you could look at proxying it through your own domain if you need the performance.

BTW, you could cheat a bit on the first option by defining a fake proj object:

var Proj4Proxy = function() {
    this._defs = [];
Proj4Proxy.prototype.defs = function(crs) { this._defs.push(crs); };
var proj4 = new Proj4Proxy();

], function(array, _proj4) {
    array.forEach(proj4._defs, function(crs) { _proj4.defs(crs); });
    proj4 = _proj4;
    // now you can use proj4 with NZTM loaded.

Best of both worlds, if you don't mind the verbosity.