Progressive percent discount based on cart amount

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I am trying to make a simple discount code for WooCommerce that gives you a percent discount before buying. Lets say that if you add products worth $100 you get 2% discount and if you add products worth $250 you get 4%, etc.

The only thing I found was this:

// Hook before calculate fees
add_action('woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees' , 'add_custom_fees');

 * Add custom fee if more than three article
 * @param WC_Cart $cart
function add_custom_fees( WC_Cart $cart ){
    if( $cart->cart_contents_count < 3 ){

    // Calculate the amount to reduce
    $discount = $cart->subtotal * 0.1;
    $cart->add_fee( 'You have more than 3 items in your cart, a 10% discount has been added.', -$discount);

But could not manage to make it work with the modifying the hooks with those for the price.

How can I achieve this?


There are 1 answers


Here is the way to do it using conditions based on cart subtotal excl tax amount to add this progressive percentage as a negative fee, so a discount:

add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees','cart_price_progressive_discount' );
function cart_price_progressive_discount() {

    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )

    $has_discount = false;
    $stotal_ext = WC()->cart->subtotal_ex_tax;

    // Discount percent based on cart amount conditions
    if( $stotal_ext >= 100 && $stotal_ext < 250  ) {
        $percent = -0.02;
        $percent_text = ' 2%';
        $has_discount =true;
    } elseif( $stotal_ext >= 250  ) {
        $percent = -0.04;
        $percent_text = ' 4%';
        $has_discount =true;
    // Calculation
    $discount = $stotal_ext * $percent;

    // Displayed text
    $discount_text = __('Discount', 'woocommerce') . $percent_text;

    if( $has_discount ) {
        WC()->cart->add_fee( $discount_text, $discount, false );
    // Last argument in add fee method enable tax on calculation if "true"

This goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme) or also in any plugin file.

This code is tested and works.

Similar: WooCommerce - Conditional Progressive Discount based on number of items in cart

Reference: WooCommerce class - WC_Cart - add_fee() method