Has anyone used Moose to deal with a large legacy Progress ABL/4GL codebase, and if yes, what are the caveats, experiences, lessons learned you can share about this?
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- Invoking the same activity inside a loop in cadence workflow
- "QueryFailedError{Message: workflow must handle at least one decision task before it can be queried}" when trying to run a workflow
- What are some of the big differences in Java Client versus Go Client when implementing Uber Cadence workflow?
- Connection timeout on identification
- How can I pass a complex objects as input when using Cadence HTTP API tool?
- Cannot find workflow definition even though I register it to worker
- How to determine the number of workers I need in Uber Cadence?
- How to make a workflow run for an infinitely long duration when running it using command line?
- Uber Cadence workflow versioning
- Tracking in progress cadence workflow by client
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From building a Delphi parser for Moose I know that it takes quite a lot of effort to get your FAMIX model complete. I'd recommend to make your feedback cycle as short as possible. From the progress grammar I'd say the system looks a bit more complicated than Delphi. Focus on the real & perceived problems and take shortcuts to find solutions for them. So you might want to delay writing a parser in Smalltalk, and just start using the pro parse stuff to generate a MSE file containing the interesting bits.
If the system is really large you might have to be careful not to run out of memory currently.
You are aware of the humane assessment site? The blog provides lots of examples and things to do/don't.
It really is an environment for developers, extremely powerful and having still a lot of rough edges. The mailing list is very helpful
When dealing with legacy systems, there are a few things I do before starting Moose, to get a feeling for the system. I run a duplication detector and zip the individual table dumps (that works well on progress files). Large files that compress extremely well are interesting discussion topics :)