Programming issue with HACKRF module

127 views Asked by At

There is a python project with the uhd library.... is it possible to rewrite data reception to the hackRF receiver using the pyHackRF library? I will send you a project on uhd if necessary

If possible help with the project and give an answer if it is possible at all

def set_sdr(usrp, sample_rate=50e6, duration_s=1.3, gain=None):
###### dev config (UHD b200) #####
# RX2 port for 2.4 GHz antenna
if gain:
    usrp.set_rx_gain(gain, 0)
    usrp.set_rx_agc(True, 0)

num_samps = duration_s*sample_rate

usrp.set_rx_rate(sample_rate, 0)
dev_samp_rate = usrp.get_rx_rate()

# Set up the stream and receive buffer
st_args = uhd.usrp.StreamArgs("fc32","sc16")
st_args.channels = [0]
_metadata = uhd.types.RXMetadata()
_streamer = usrp.get_rx_stream(st_args)
_recv_buffer = np.zeros((1, RECV_BUFFER_LEN), dtype=np.complex64)

return num_samps, _metadata, _streamer, _recv_buffer

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