Programmatically differentiating between USB Floppy Drive and USB Flash Drive in Windows

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On Windows (XP-7), is there a reliable way of programatically differentiating between USB floppy drives and USB flash drives in C++?

At the moment, I'm using WMI to get updates when new Win32_LogicalDisk instances are detected, and then using the DriveType attribute of the LogicalDisk object to figure out a basic type. This works quite well, except that floppy drives and USB flash drives are both of DriveType DRIVE_REMOVABLE, so to differentiate between those (floppy vs. flash), I'm using the IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_HOTPLUG_INFO interface to figure out if the device is hotpluggable, and was working on the principal that that meant it was a flash drive and not a floppy. Again, I think this works quite well (if a little inefficient, using both the WDK API and WMI to get info ) in the case of internal floppy drives, but unfortunately USB Floppy drives are also hotpluggable a lot of the time, so there is no clear way to differentiate between flash and USB floppy drives, that I can see. I know there are properties that may work, like checking if its mapped to the reserved drives A: or B (edit: only relevant if the machine definitely has a floppy drive - see MS-KB: How to change drive letter assignments in Windows XP), or looking at the description, but I'd really like something a bit more reliable.

Sorry about the long explanation, but just wanted to be clear! Thanks


There are 4 answers

Hans Passant On BEST ANSWER

Did you try Win32_LogicalDisk.MediaType? It has specific enumerations for floppy disks. Make sure you try it when there's no disk in the drive.

Boris On

On the USB level, there is no way to differentiate between a conventional Disk on Key and a USB-Floppy. Which means windows itself, cannot tell reliably what is what.

There are a few hints that you can gather: Floppies should: a. Have mass-storage protocol CBI/CB b. SCSI UFI

BUT, in the world of USB devices, everyone does whatever they want. The only test is: "Does it work on windows". And Windows just checks the size, if its a USB device with removable-media set and with conventional floppy sizes, it will consider it to be a floppy.

Can't say about "real" floppy, but with the USB attached, there is no definite way.

MSalters On

The obvious property to check would be IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY. This gets you (amongst other things) a MEDIA_TYPE. Anything but RemovableMedia and FixedMedia is a floppy.

Shay Erlichmen On

You can use the Size attribute (USB > 1.4MB), it's not like there is any chance of meeting 1.4MB flash drive any time soon.