I was wondering about programmatically adding a NSTableView inside a NSStackView using Swift 3/MacOS Sierra.
The idea would be to have say 2 NSTextFields aligned via the centerY axis in the .leading gravity space, then a tableview in the .center gravity space, then 2 more NSTextFields aligned via the centerY axis in the .trailing gravity space. The stack view would span the width of the NSView -- like a header.
Is this a good idea or should I avoid doing this? It has been very difficult to get it to look correct -- the table always has too large of a width despite adding constraints to try to pin it to a fixed width.
Any insight would be appreciated. I'm new to programming MacOS.
Here is the output in Interface Builder: output of the headerview
Here is the code of the NSView I'm using: The view controller is elsewhere but I'm not really having problems with the view controller -- it's displaying the data in the table correctly. It's just the sizing/positioning of the tableview (which I'm trying to do in the NSView via the NSStackView) is always wrong. It should have a width of 650 but instead has a width of 907 and I get the same error all the time in the debug console:
2017-09-12 17:43:36.041062-0500 RaceProgram[795:36958] [Layout] Detected missing constraints for < RacingProgram.RaceImportViewHeader: 0x6000001ccd50 >. It cannot be placed because there are not enough constraints to fully define the size and origin. Add the missing constraints, or set translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints=YES and constraints will be generated for you. If this view is laid out manually on macOS 10.12 and later, you may choose to not call [super layout] from your override. Set a breakpoint on DETECTED_MISSING_CONSTRAINTS to debug. This error will only be logged once.
import Cocoa
class RaceImportViewHeader: NSView {
// MARK: Properties
private var raceQualificationsTableView:NSTableView
private var raceImportHeaderStackView:NSStackView
private var raceNumberTitle: NSTextField
private var raceNumberValue: NSTextField
public var raceQualificationsTableRowHeight: CGFloat
@IBInspectable var borderColor:NSColor = .black
@IBInspectable var backgroundColor:NSColor = .lightGray
enum InitMethod {
case Coder(NSCoder)
case Frame(CGRect)
override convenience init(frame: CGRect) {
required convenience init?(coder: NSCoder) {
private init?(_ initMethod: InitMethod) {
// Group together the initializers for this view class
raceQualificationsTableView = NSTableView()
raceImportHeaderStackView = NSStackView()
raceNumberTitle = NSTextField()
raceNumberValue = NSTextField()
raceQualificationsTableRowHeight = 17.0 // Initialize the row height for raceQualifications
switch initMethod {
case let .Coder(coder): super.init(coder: coder)
case let .Frame(frame): super.init(frame: frame)
self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let viewSize: NSRect = self.frame
let newRect = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: viewSize.width, height: viewSize.height)
// Outline the Header --> Only for layout debug purposes
let path = NSBezierPath(rect: newRect)
borderColor.setStroke() // Set the stroke color
path.stroke() // Fill the stroke or border of the rectangle
// MARK: UI Construction
func drawUI() {
let viewFrame = self.frame // with respect to the super class
let viewBounds = self.bounds // with respect to the view
// MARK: Race Number Setup
func addRaceNumberTitle(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// This configures label for race Number
let width:CGFloat = 60.0 //Arbitrary at the moment
let height:CGFloat = 40.0
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 2.5 // The super view (frame)is the NSView in this case
let topPadding:CGFloat = (viewBounds.height - height)/2
let raceNumberTitleNSRect = NSRect(x: leftPadding + startingPositionX, y: viewBounds.height - height - topPadding, width: width, height: height)
//Swift.print("The raceNumberTitleNSRect title NSRect is \(raceNumberTitleNSRect)")
raceNumberTitle = NSTextField(frame: raceNumberTitleNSRect)
raceNumberTitle.stringValue = "Race\nNumber"
raceNumberTitle.maximumNumberOfLines = 2
raceNumberTitle.isEditable = false
raceNumberTitle.isBordered = false
raceNumberTitle.alignment = .center
raceNumberTitle.backgroundColor = .clear
let updatedHeight = raceNumberTitle.frame.height
let newUpdatedPadding = (viewBounds.height - updatedHeight) / 2
let oldOriginX = raceNumberTitle.frame.origin.x
let newOriginY = viewBounds.height - updatedHeight - newUpdatedPadding
let newOrigin = NSPoint(x: oldOriginX, y: newOriginY)
//addSubview(raceNumberTitle) // Add to view
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(raceNumberTitle, in: .leading)
func addRaceNumberValue(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// This configures value label for race number
let width:CGFloat = 20.0 //Arbitrary at the moment
let height:CGFloat = 40.0
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 5.0 // The super view (frame)is the NSView in this case
let topPadding:CGFloat = (viewBounds.height - height)/2
let raceNumberInRect = NSRect(x: startingPositionX + leftPadding, y: viewBounds.height - height - topPadding, width: width, height: height)
Swift.print("The raceNumberInRect title NSRect is \(raceNumberInRect)")
raceNumberValue = NSTextField(frame: raceNumberInRect)
raceNumberValue.identifier = "raceNumber"
raceNumberValue.placeholderString = "1"
raceNumberValue.font = NSFont(name: "Impact", size: 20.0)
raceNumberValue.maximumNumberOfLines = 1
raceNumberValue.isEditable = false
raceNumberValue.isBordered = true
raceNumberValue.alignment = .center
raceNumberValue.backgroundColor = .clear
let updatedHeight = raceNumberValue.frame.height
let oldOriginX = raceNumberValue.frame.origin.x
let newUpdatedPadding = (viewBounds.height - updatedHeight) / 2
let newOriginY = viewBounds.height - updatedHeight - newUpdatedPadding
let newOrigin = NSPoint(x: oldOriginX, y: newOriginY)
//addSubview(raceNumberValue) // Add to view
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(raceNumberValue, in: .leading)
// MARK: Race Qualifications Table Setup
func addRaceQualificationsTable(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// Padding variables
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 5.0
let topPadding:CGFloat = 5.0
// Table Properties
let width:CGFloat = 650.0
let height:CGFloat = 40
let tableRect = CGRect(x: startingPositionX + leftPadding, y: viewBounds.height - height - topPadding, width: width, height: height)
//let insetForTableView:CGFloat = 1.0
//let scrollRect = CGRect(x: tableRect.origin.x-insetForTableView, y: tableRect.origin.y-insetForTableView, width: tableRect.width+2*insetForTableView, height: tableRect.height+2*insetForTableView)
let tableNSSize = NSSize(width: tableRect.width, height: tableRect.height)
let scrollNSRect = NSScrollView.frameSize(forContentSize: tableNSSize, horizontalScrollerClass: nil, verticalScrollerClass: nil, borderType: .bezelBorder, controlSize: .regular, scrollerStyle: .legacy)
Swift.print("tableRect \(tableRect)")
Swift.print("scrollNSRect \(scrollNSRect)")
//Swift.print("scrollRect \(scrollRect)")
let scrollViewOrigin:CGPoint = tableRect.origin
let scrollViewNSSize:CGSize = scrollNSRect
let scrollRect = NSRect(origin: scrollViewOrigin, size: scrollViewNSSize)
Swift.print("scrollRect \(scrollRect)")
let tableScrollView = NSScrollView(frame: scrollRect)
raceQualificationsTableView = NSTableView(frame: tableRect)
raceQualificationsTableView.identifier = "raceQualificationsTable" // Setup identifier
raceQualificationsTableView.rowHeight = 20.0
Swift.print("instrinic size \(raceQualificationsTableView.intrinsicContentSize)")
//Swift.print("tableScrollView contentsize \(tableScrollView.contentSize)")
tableScrollView.documentView = raceQualificationsTableView
tableScrollView.autoresizingMask = .viewNotSizable
Swift.print("tableScroll content size \(tableScrollView.contentSize)")
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(tableScrollView, in: .center)
func configureRaceQualificationsTable(showRaceNumberCol: Bool, showRaceCodeCol: Bool) {
let headerAlignment = NSTextAlignment.center // Easy way to change justification of headers
// MARK: Race Number Column Options
let raceNumberColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceNumberCol")
raceNumberColumn.title = "Race"
raceNumberColumn.minWidth = 40.0
raceNumberColumn.width = 40.0
raceNumberColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Number from the Imported Card"
raceNumberColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// Note: Word Race is always going to be wider than the race number value
// So size to Fit is appropriate here.
if showRaceNumberCol {
// Option of not adding this to the table
// MARK: Driver Column Options
let breedColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "driverCol")
driverColumn.title = "Driver"
driverColumn.minWidth = 10
driverColumn.headerToolTip = "Driver information"
driverColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Race Code Column Options
let raceTypeCodeColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceTypeCodeCol")
raceTypeCodeColumn.title = "Race Code"
raceTypeCodeColumn.minWidth = 40
raceTypeCodeColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Classification Code"
raceTypeCodeColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
if showRaceCodeCol {
// Option of not adding to the table
// MARK: Race Type Code Description Options
let raceTypeCodeDescColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceTypeCodeDescCol")
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.title = "Race Desc"
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.minWidth = 50
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.width = 100
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Classification Full Description"
raceTypeCodeDescColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Race Restriction Column Options
let raceRestrictionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "raceRestrictionCol")
raceRestrictionColumn.title = "Restrictions"
raceRestrictionColumn.minWidth = 50
raceRestrictionColumn.width = 80
raceRestrictionColumn.headerToolTip = "Race Restrictions"
raceRestrictionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Sex Restriction Column Options
let sexRestrictionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "sexRestrictionCol")
sexRestrictionColumn.title = "Sex"
sexRestrictionColumn.minWidth = 100
sexRestrictionColumn.width = 100
sexRestrictionColumn.headerToolTip = "Sex Restrictions"
sexRestrictionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Age Restriction Column Options
let ageRestrictionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "ageRestrictionCol")
ageRestrictionColumn.title = "Age"
ageRestrictionColumn.minWidth = 100
ageRestrictionColumn.width = 100
ageRestrictionColumn.headerToolTip = "Age Restrictions"
ageRestrictionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
// MARK: Division Column Options
let divisionColumn = NSTableColumn(identifier: "divisionCol")
divisionColumn.title = "Division"
divisionColumn.minWidth = 50
let minDivisionColumnWidth = raceQualificationsTableView.frame.width - raceNumberColumn.width - driverColumn.width - raceTypeCodeColumn.width - raceTypeCodeDescColumn.width - raceRestrictionColumn.width - sexRestrictionColumn.width - ageRestrictionColumn.width
// Calculate the available room for the division column
if (showRaceCodeCol && showRaceNumberCol) {
// This is the minimum case
// No idea why we need the 25.0 manual adjustment
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth - 25.0
} else if (showRaceCodeCol && !showRaceNumberCol) {
// Add back race type code
// No idea why we need to manually adjust 53.5
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth + raceTypeCodeColumn.width - 53.5
} else if (!showRaceCodeCol && showRaceNumberCol) {
// Add back race number col
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth + raceNumberColumn.width
} else {
// Else it's the maximum space
// This code was making the frame too large -- it was increasing the
// the frame size of the column to 670.0 I put a manual reduction of
// 20 to keep the frame size the same. Not sure where this 20 is coming from.
divisionColumn.width = minDivisionColumnWidth + raceNumberColumn.width + raceTypeCodeColumn.width - 20.0
//Swift.print("The division column width is \(divisionColumn.width)")
divisionColumn.headerToolTip = "Division -- Unknown what this means"
divisionColumn.headerCell.alignment = headerAlignment
//Swift.print("raceQualificationsTableView.frame.width is \( raceQualificationsTableView.frame.width)")
// MARK: Race Distance Surface Course Setup
func addRaceDistanceSurfaceCourseTable(startingPositionX: CGFloat) {
// Table Properties
let width:CGFloat = 250.0
let height:CGFloat = 40.0
// Padding variables
let leftPadding:CGFloat = 5.0
let topPosition:CGFloat = (viewBounds.height - ((viewBounds.height - height)/2) - height)
let tableRect = CGRect(x: leftPadding + startingPositionX, y: topPosition, width: width, height: height)
let tableScrollView = NSScrollView(frame: tableRect)
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView = NSTableView(frame: tableRect)
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.identifier = "raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTable" // Setup identifier
//raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.rowHeight = 20.0
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.intercellSpacing = NSSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.headerView = ImportRaceTableHeaders()
tableScrollView.documentView = raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView
//tableScrollView.hasVerticalScroller = false
//tableScrollView.verticalScroller = nil // Turn off vertical scrolling
//tableScrollView.verticalScrollElasticity = .none
//raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView = NSTableViewHeader
raceImportHeaderStackView.addView(raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView, in: .center)
// MARK: Construct the fields:
addRaceNumberTitle(startingPositionX: 0.0) // Add the race number title
addRaceNumberValue(startingPositionX: raceNumberTitle.frame.origin.x + raceNumberTitle.frame.width) //Add the Race Number value text field
addRaceQualificationsTable(startingPositionX: raceNumberValue.frame.origin.x + raceNumberValue.frame.width)
configureRaceQualificationsTable(showRaceNumberCol: false, showRaceCodeCol: false)
// MARK: TableView Functions
func reloadTableViewData(identifier: String) {
Swift.print("Manual reload of data for identifier \(identifier)")
switch identifier {
case "raceQualificationsTable":
case "raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTable":
// MARK: Delegate/DataSources Outlets for TableViews
// Race Qualification Table (the header table)
@IBOutlet weak var raceQualificationsDelegate: NSTableViewDelegate? {
get {
return raceQualificationsTableView.delegate
set {
raceQualificationsTableView.delegate = newValue
@IBOutlet weak var raceQualificationsDataSource: NSTableViewDataSource? {
get {
return raceQualificationsTableView.dataSource
set {
raceQualificationsTableView.dataSource = newValue
// Race Distance Surface Course
@IBOutlet weak var raceDistanceSurfaceCourseDelegate: NSTableViewDelegate? {
get {
return raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.delegate
set {
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.delegate = newValue
@IBOutlet weak var raceDistanceSurfaceCourseDataSource: NSTableViewDataSource? {
get {
return raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.dataSource
set {
raceDistanceSurfaceCourseTableView.dataSource = newValue
// MARK: Label Outlets
@IBOutlet var raceNumber:String? {
get {
return raceNumberValue.stringValue
set {
raceNumberValue.stringValue = newValue!