Processing - Flock Boids avoid draggable objects

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I'm working on a boids flocking project. My goal is to have several draggable objects which have to be avoided by the boids. There are several different flocks with a different starting position.

I managed to get the boids to avoid one draggable object. But I can't seem to make them avoid all. (using a for loop)

I really can't figure out why this won't do the trick..

I hope you could give me some suggestions.

the code:

int initBoidNum = 100; //amount of boids to start the program with
BoidList flock1, flock2, flock3;

Draggable draggable;
NullDraggableObject nullDraggableObject;
ArrayList draggables;

int id;
float[] xposs= new float[10];
float[] yposs= new float[10];

String turn; 

void setup() {
  size(1000, 700);
  //create and fill the list of boids
  flock1 = new BoidList(150, 0, 10, 100);
  flock2 = new BoidList(150, 255, 10, 200);
  flock3 = new BoidList(150, 150, 10, 300);
  turn = "turn";
  nullDraggableObject = new NullDraggableObject();
  draggables = new ArrayList();
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    draggables.add(new DraggableObject(random(width), random(height/2)));

void draw() {
  background(100, 60);;;;
  draggable = nullDraggableObject;
  for (id = 0; id < draggables.size (); id++) {
    Draggable d = (Draggable)draggables.get(id);
    if (d.isBeingMouseHovered()) {
      draggable = d;

void mousePressed() {

void mouseDragged() {

void mouseReleased() {

interface Draggable {
  boolean isBeingMouseHovered();
  boolean inside(float ix, float iy);
  void draw();
  void mousePressed();
  void mouseDragged();
  void mouseReleased();

class NullDraggableObject implements Draggable {
  boolean isBeingMouseHovered() { 
    return false;

  boolean inside(float ix, float iy) { 
    return false;

  void draw() {
  void mousePressed() {
  void mouseDragged() {
  void mouseReleased() {

public class DraggableObject implements Draggable {
  float XX, YY;
  float radius;
  boolean drag;
  float dragX, dragY;

  DraggableObject(float _x, float _y) {
    XX = _x; 
    YY = _y;
    radius = 50;
    drag = false;
    dragX = 0;
    dragY = 0;

  boolean isBeingMouseHovered() {
    return inside(mouseX, mouseY);

  boolean inside(float ix, float iy) {
    return (dist(XX, YY, ix, iy) < radius);

  void draw() {
    ellipse(XX, YY, 2*radius, 2*radius);
    String space = "__";
    xposs[id] = XX; 
    yposs[id] = YY;

  void mousePressed() {
    drag = inside(mouseX, mouseY);
    if (drag) {
      dragX = mouseX - XX;
      dragY = mouseY - YY;

  void mouseDragged() {
    if (drag) {
      XX = mouseX - dragX;
      YY = mouseY - dragY;

  void mouseReleased() {
    drag = false;

class Boid {
  PVector pos, vel, acc, ali, coh, sep; //pos, velocity, and acceleration in a vector datatype
  float neighborhoodRadius; //radius in which it looks for fellow boids
  float maxSpeed = 1; //maximum magnitude for the velocity vector
  float maxSteerForce = .05; //maximum magnitude of the steering vector
  float sMod, aMod, cMod; //modifiers for the three forces on the boid
  float h; //hue

  Boid(PVector inPos) {
    pos = new PVector();
    vel = new PVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1));
    acc = new PVector(0, 0);
    neighborhoodRadius = 20;
    sMod = 1; 
    aMod = 1; 
    cMod = 4;

  Boid(PVector inPos, PVector inVel, float r) {
    pos = new PVector();
    vel = new PVector();
    acc = new PVector(0, 0);
    neighborhoodRadius = r;

  void run(ArrayList bl) {
    for (int i =0; i < 10; i++) {
      acc.add(attract(new PVector(width/2, height/2), true));
      acc.add(avoid(new PVector(xposs[i], yposs[i]), true));
      if (i == 10) i = 0;

    if (pos.x>width-10)acc.add(bounce(new PVector(width, pos.y), true));
    if (pos.x<10) acc.add(bounce(new PVector(0, pos.y), true));
    if (pos.y>height-10) acc.add(bounce(new PVector(pos.x, height), true));
    if (pos.y<10) acc.add(bounce(new PVector(pos.x, 0), true));

    ali = alignment(bl);
    coh = cohesion(bl);
    sep = seperation(bl);
    for (int i =0; i < 10; i++) {
      if (PVector.dist(new PVector(xposs[i], yposs[i]), pos)>180) {
        acc.add(PVector.mult(ali, aMod));
        acc.add(PVector.mult(coh, cMod));
        acc.add(PVector.mult(sep, sMod));

      if (PVector.dist(new PVector(xposs[i], yposs[i]), pos)<80) maxSpeed = 1000;
      if (i == 10) i = 0;
    if (PVector.dist(new PVector(width, height), pos)<60) maxSpeed = 1000;
    if (PVector.dist(new PVector(0, 0), pos)<50) {
      maxSpeed = 1000;
    } else {
      maxSpeed = 1;

  void move() {
    vel.add(acc); //add acceleration to velocity
    vel.limit(maxSpeed); //make sure the velocity vector magnitude does not exceed maxSpeed
    pos.add(vel); //add velocity to position
    acc.mult(0); //reset acceleration

  void checkBounds() {

  void render() {
    translate(pos.x, pos.y);
    rotate(atan2(vel.y, vel.x)); //rotate drawing matrix to direction of velocity
    ellipse(0, 0, neighborhoodRadius/2, neighborhoodRadius/2);
    //draw triangle
    rect(0, 0, 6, 2);

  //steering. If arrival==true, the boid slows to meet the target. Credit to Craig Reynolds
  PVector steer(PVector target, boolean arrival) {
    PVector steer = new PVector(); //creates vector for steering
    if (!arrival) {
      steer.set(PVector.sub(target, pos)); //steering vector points towards target (switch target and pos for avoiding)
      steer.limit(maxSteerForce); //limits the steering force to maxSteerForce
    } else {
      PVector targetOffset = PVector.sub(target, pos);
      float distance=targetOffset.mag();
      float rampedSpeed = maxSpeed*(distance/100);
      float clippedSpeed = min(rampedSpeed, maxSpeed);
      PVector desiredVelocity = PVector.mult(targetOffset, (clippedSpeed/distance));
      steer.set(PVector.sub(desiredVelocity, vel));

    return steer;

  //avoid. If weight == true avoidance vector is larger the closer the boid is to the target
  PVector avoid(PVector target, boolean weight) {
    PVector steer = new PVector(); //creates vector for steering
    steer.set(PVector.sub(pos, target)); //steering vector points away from target
    if (weight) steer.mult(1/sq(PVector.dist(pos, target)));
    //steer.limit(maxSteerForce); //limits the steering force to maxSteerForce
    return steer;

  PVector attract(PVector target, boolean weight) {
    PVector steer = new PVector(); //creates vector for steering
    steer.set(PVector.sub(target, pos)); //steering vector points away from target
    if (weight) steer.mult(1/sq(PVector.dist(target, pos)));
    //steer.limit(maxSteerForce); //limits the steering force to maxSteerForce
    return steer;

  PVector bounce(PVector target, boolean weight) {
    PVector steer = new PVector(); //creates vector for steering
    steer.set(PVector.sub(pos, target)); //steering vector points away from target
    if (weight) steer.mult(1/sq(PVector.dist(pos, target)));
    //steer.limit(maxSteerForce); //limits the steering force to maxSteerForce
    return steer;

  PVector seperation(ArrayList boids) {
    PVector posSum = new PVector(0, 0);
    PVector repulse;
    for (int i=0; i<boids.size (); i++) {
      Boid b = (Boid)boids.get(i);
      float d = PVector.dist(pos, b.pos);
      if (d>0&&d<=neighborhoodRadius) {
        repulse = PVector.sub(pos, b.pos);
    return posSum;

  PVector alignment(ArrayList boids) {
    PVector velSum = new PVector(0, 0);
    int count = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<boids.size (); i++) {
      Boid b = (Boid)boids.get(i);
      float d = PVector.dist(pos, b.pos);
      if (d>0&&d<=neighborhoodRadius) {
    if (count>0) {
    return velSum;

  PVector cohesion(ArrayList boids) {
    PVector posSum = new PVector(0, 0);
    PVector steer = new PVector(0, 0);
    int count = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<boids.size (); i++) {
      Boid b = (Boid)boids.get(i);
      float d = dist(pos.x, pos.y, b.pos.x, b.pos.y);
      if (d>0&&d<=neighborhoodRadius) {
    if (count>0) posSum.div((float)count);
    steer = PVector.sub(posSum, pos);
    return steer;

class BoidList {
  ArrayList boids; //will hold the boids in this BoidList
  float h; //for color
  BoidList(int n, float ih, int xstart, int ystart) {
    boids = new ArrayList();
    h = ih;
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      boids.add(new Boid(new PVector(xstart, ystart)));

  void run() {
    for (int i=0; i<boids.size (); i++) {
      Boid tempBoid = (Boid)boids.get(i); //create a temporary boid to process and make it the current boid in the list
      tempBoid.h = h;; //tell the temporary boid to execute its run method

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