I am attempting to create traffic lighting in a report using proc format. But even though the values can be greater than 1 or below 1 the colors are always the lowest color. In this case, they are all red. Why is SAS not seeing the values?
proc format;
value forecast
low - < 0.70 = 'red'
0.70 - <0.90 = 'yellow'
0.90 - high = 'green';
%macro perform_target (cc, year, career_id, cc_name) ;
data Performance_&career_id._&cc._&year. ;
set post_target_comparisons1;
where institution = "&cc." and year = "&year." and career_id = "&career_id.";
ods excel file = "Y:\General - CTE\2019 CTE Accountability\2020\Need Assessment Performance
Tables\Performance_&career_id._&cc._&year..xlsx" style = sasdocprinter;
ods excel options(autofilter="2-39" sheet_name = "Performance &year." embedded_titles = 'yes');
title j= C "Actual to Target Comparisons";
title2 j = C "Academic Year - &year.";
proc report data = Performance_&career_id._&cc._&year.;
column community_college cluster_label measure_label year total_students total_male percent_male
target forecast_male forecast_female forecast_AI forecast_AS forecast_AA forecast_HI forecast_PI
forecast_W forecast_MU forecast_disabled forecast_farms forecast_single forecast_displaced
forecast_ell forecast_nontrad;
define forecast_male/display 'Percent to Forecast Male' style(column) = [cellwidth=1in
tagattr="format:####.##\%" fontweight = bold foreground = forecast.];
ods excel close;
%mend perform_target;
%perform_target (010042, 2016, 01);
This works so I expect your data is the issue.