problems creating plot animations with gganimate in R

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I am trying to create animation using gganimate

To make the animation I wanted, I followed this tutorial: which does basically what I want.

data can be found below

here is the code for my plot



v <- ggplot(Average_position_salary, aes(x = Average_WAR, y = Average_Salary, frame = year)) +   

gganimate(v, title_frame = FALSE, interval = 0.1)

The problem is when I run this code, I keep getting this error,

Error in check.options(new, name.opt = ".X11.Options", envir = .X11env) : 
  invalid argument name ‘interval’ in 'grDevices::png(..., res = dpi, units = "in")'

I'm not sure I understand this error, but I tried removing interval = 0.1 and when I do that I get this error:

sh: convert: command not found
Error in"%s --version", convert), intern = TRUE) : 
  error in running command
I cannot find ImageMagick with convert = 'convert'
Error in file(file, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In animation::im.convert(filenames[-1], basename(filename), extra.opts = opts,  :
  Please install ImageMagick first or put its bin path into the system PATH variable
2: In file(file, "rb") :
  cannot open file '/var/folders/ft/7dytfk1d6v50xmp71h6txgrh0000gn/T//RtmpekDeyj/gganimate/file38f501e67b9.gif': No such file or directory

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

Here is a sample of the data:

    Position year Average_Salary Average_WAR
24         2 1985       508398.2   1.5117647
25         2 1986       375056.4   0.9309091
26         2 1987       369100.2   0.6736842
27         2 1988       350883.5   0.6741935
28         2 1989       395239.8   0.5896552
29         2 1990       369823.7   0.6753623
30         2 1991       524865.5   0.6210526
31         2 1992       726446.3   0.6779661
32         2 1993       693320.1   0.8317460
33         2 1994       731309.5   0.4952381
34         2 1995       657469.8   0.5902778
35         2 1996       739594.1   0.7774194
36         2 1997       886851.8   0.8698413
37         2 1998       961986.3   0.5849315
38         2 1999      1112187.0   0.6171053
39         2 2000      1521829.2   1.0368421
40         2 2001      1794504.4   0.6830508
41         2 2002      2155796.8   0.6537037
42         2 2003      2310309.2   0.9947368
43         2 2004      1777468.4   0.6814815
44         2 2005      2053411.3   0.6758621
45         2 2006      2076933.3   0.7677966
46         2 2007      2148252.9   0.6316667
47         2 2008      2122456.8   0.8619048
48         2 2009      1849889.7   0.7250000
49         2 2010      1959554.4   0.7833333
50         2 2011      1707032.1   0.9651515
51         2 2012      2095852.0   0.9984127
52         2 2013      2285045.4   0.9940299
53         2 2014      2402914.8   1.0936508
54         2 2015      2598519.3   0.6887097
55         3 1985       580910.9   1.2560976
56         3 1986       593094.4   1.1116279
57         3 1987       580782.4   1.6777778
58         3 1988       527230.1   0.9952381
59         3 1989       700261.7   1.3487179
60         3 1990       682741.7   1.0232143
61         3 1991      1131729.7   1.1216216
62         3 1992      1615097.2   1.5416667
63         3 1993      1350687.5   1.4583333
64         3 1994      1443432.7   1.1733333
65         3 1995      2002190.4   1.3914894
66         3 1996      1913476.7   1.4160000
67         3 1997      2739371.2   1.9611111
68         3 1998      2188290.6   1.6437500
69         3 1999      1894013.6   1.4460000
70         3 2000      3058889.0   1.7181818
71         3 2001      3322784.5   1.6097561
72         3 2002      3923671.2   1.6065217
73         3 2003      3947089.0   1.1311111
74         3 2004      4328143.5   1.4369565
75         3 2005      3755095.9   1.4875000
76         3 2006      3048467.7   1.3591837
77         3 2007      3354178.6   0.8843137
78         3 2008      5355219.8   1.3130435
79         3 2009      4264821.3   1.4732143
80         3 2010      5519959.9   1.5813953
81         3 2011      4736312.7   1.4162791
82         3 2012      4738315.8   0.7580000
83         3 2013      4838826.5   1.1980392
84         3 2014      5433374.2   1.1129630
85         3 2015      5965488.6   1.4191489

There are 4 answers

Grace Mahoney On BEST ANSWER

The other two answers provided are good for Windows, but if you are a Mac user you can install Image Magick just using brew install imagemagick.

I did run into additional problems with this method after upgrading to Sierra/High Sierra because I no longer could write to /usr/local/Cellar, but was able to get around this issue by reinstalling Homebrew (/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL") and then updating my permissions with sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*. Hope this helps!

FilipW On

Use the installr package to install ImageMagick on your computer.

Mc Everest On

This is what I did to get over that problem on windows; I downnloaded my computer compatible ImageMagick executable from their website and installed it. Then I set an environment path in R-studio using the code below;

Sys.setenv(PATH = paste("C:/PROGRA~1/ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q8",
Sys.getenv("PATH"), sep = ";"))

I then installed the animation package and loaded it


I then configured the animation options as;

ani.options(convert = 'C:/PROGRA~1/ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q8/convert.exe')

and i then re-run my gganimation as

gganimate(g, interval=0.2)

This worked for me

johnm On

If using Windows, when installing Image Magick ensure you tick the "install legacy utilities" box, (which may explain the "I cannot find ImageMagick with convert = 'convert'" error. Also you should ensure you select the option to add ImageMagick to the system Path variable.

Assuming you have an up to date R install, I found similar plotting issues/error message were resolved by reinstalling Image Magick and selecting both of these options during the process.