Problems accessing Echonests /song/profile API via track_id

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I'm trying to get the song profile of some mp3 via the Echonest API. With the /song/identify endpoint being removed (anybody knows why? since when?) I'm using the /track/upload and the /track/profile endpoints with success.

However with all mp3s I tried I never got a song_id field in the responses. And trying to access the /song/profile with a track_id parameter fails with the message "The Identifier specified does not exist".

I have no clue why this is happening. Isn't the /track/upload and /song/profile combination supposed to replace /song/identify? Or is there a mistake in my API usage?

Example session


$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" "{API_KEY}&filetype=mp3" --data-binary "@some.mp3"
{"response" : {
  "track" : {
     "bitrate" : 128,
     "status" : "pending",
     "samplerate" : 44100,
     "release" : "",
     "audio_md5" : "a778192f46b14aff8b77fd90ff3674bb",
     "artist" : "Michael Jackson",
     "analyzer_version" : "3.2.2",
     "title" : "Billie Jean",
     "id" : "TRAWIST152E4579002",
     "md5" : "b231bfa7d4ee4102e52b4495b10f4769"
  "status" : {
     "version" : "4.2",
     "message" : "Success",
     "code" : 0


{"response" : {
  "track" : {
     "bitrate" : 128,
     "status" : "complete",
     "samplerate" : 44100,
     "audio_summary" : {
        "speechiness" : 0.0425334097439946,
        "energy" : 0.591133932705891,
        "instrumentalness" : 0.0294479646761868,
        "valence" : 0.869460920263482,
        "danceability" : 0.928799121110435,
        "mode" : 0,
        "tempo" : 117.099,
        "duration" : 294.06041,
        "loudness" : -6.027,
        "key" : 11,
        "time_signature" : 4,
        "liveness" : 0.038297571421371,
        "acousticness" : 0.0121077539216603,
        "analysis_url" : ""
     "audio_md5" : "a778192f46b14aff8b77fd90ff3674bb",
     "artist" : "Michael Jackson",
     "analyzer_version" : "3.2.2",
     "title" : "Billie Jean",
     "id" : "TRAWIST152E4579002",
     "md5" : "b231bfa7d4ee4102e52b4495b10f4769"
  "status" : {
     "version" : "4.2",
     "message" : "Success",
     "code" : 0


{"response" : {
  "status" : {
     "version" : "4.2",
     "message" : "The Identifier specified does not exist: TRAWIST152E4579002",
     "code" : 5

There are 1 answers

holmberd On

I find nothing wrong with your API requests. There is a note in the API however, under Track/Profile header: Analysis Status, that seems to point to the fact that tracks doesn't get resolved into EchoNest songs, see below.

Note that song level information is not available for tracks that have been analyzed with track/upload.

What you can do is create a Taste Profile using the track:id and it would get resolve into a EchoNest:song:id.

When an item is properly resolved, the Echo Nest song ID is attached to the item.

But this is a long way around, and considering the rate-limit is now down to 20/min, I don't know if I would bother. After EchoNest got bought by Spotify the public services are becoming deprecated and limited.