I've had F# Powerpack for a while now. It ran perfectly. But a few days before, I don't know what I did, whenever I compile my project and run it, I get an error
Method not found: 'System.Object Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Parsing.Tables`1.Interpret(Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2<Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer`1<Char>,!0>, Microsoft.FSharp.Text.Lexing.LexBuffer`1<Char>, Int32)'.
I tried on my laptop too. Then I thought, that it might be an error in my code. So I started a new project, F# Parsed Language Starter Kit (the starter kit you find online), and it fails with the same error. I tried reinstalling F# Powerpack but the error continues.
You've probably installed VS2010 SP1. http://fsharpnews.blogspot.com/2011/03/dont-install-vs2010-sp1.html