I am using ajax animation extender in my application. It is working perfectly in almost all browsersexcept IE9. I am using the code as:
<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="OpenAnimation" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnAddNewComment"
<%-- Disable the button so it can't be clicked again --%>
<EnableAction Enabled="false" />
<%-- Position the wire frame and show it --%>
<StyleAction AnimationTarget="flyout" Attribute="display" Value="block"/>
<%-- Move the wire frame from the button's bounds to the info panel's bounds --%>
<Parallel AnimationTarget="flyout" Duration=".3" Fps="25">
<Resize Width="850" Height="420" />
<Color PropertyKey="backgroundColor" StartValue="#AAAAAA" EndValue="#FFFFFF" />
<%-- Move the panel on top of the wire frame, fade it in, and hide the frame --%>
<StyleAction AnimationTarget="info" Attribute="display" Value="block"/>
<FadeIn AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".2" />
<StyleAction AnimationTarget="flyout" Attribute="display" Value="none"/>
Corresponding JS function to play the animation is:
// function to open the animation popup
function OpenExtender(tempCommentID)
var behaveYourself = $find("OpenAnimationBehavior");
var onClickAnimation = behaveYourself.get_OnClickBehavior();
return false;
While clicking on button 'btnAddNewComment' a pop up is coming, but the problem is on mouse over the popup div. When i do mouse over over the popup, the popup get disappeared.
Could anybody say what will be the problem?
it seem to me, that IE9 doesn't remember the changes made via Animation Extender. Even the official sample doesn't work. If (for example) the Display: none, and you animated it to Dislay: block, when the animation stops it will revert do Display: none on the next redraw (you need to move mouse over the element, or otherwise invoke refresh). I hope it will be fixed really soon.