Problem in Converting Jupyter notebook to pdf

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When I want to save Jupyter notebook as a pdf file, I receive the following error:

nbconvert failed: PDF creating failed, captured latex output:
This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99999 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX) (preloaded format=xelatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
! Undefined control sequence.
<*> .\notebook
! Emergency stop.
<*> .\notebook
No pages of output.
Transcript written on ?.

There are 2 answers

ForEverNewbie On

As an emergency solution, you can save the notebook as markdown (.md) and open it in RStudio, where you can Knit it and save it as pdf.

Alexander On

This is due to an unfortunate incompatibility between Windows and Unix-like systems. Jupyter creates a temporary notebook.tex document in the current directory and then calls XeTeX to compile this document.

XeTeX tries to parse the command line with roughly the following algorithm after being called:

  1. XeTeX <arg1> <arg2> ...
  2. Check if <arg1> is a .tex file,

    a) if it is a file compile it

    b) if it not a file assume this is the start of an actual document given on the command line

On Unix-like systems ./notebook.tex is parsed by XeTeX into current_directory/notebook.tex which exists and is then compiled. On Windows systems the command line because of the different directory separator is .\notebook.tex which XeTeX does not recognize as a file and therefore tries and fails to parse as a LaTeX document.

A temporary remedy (could break other things) is to change the build directory in from nbconvert (line 66) from

writer = Instance("nbconvert.writers.FilesWriter", args=(), kw={'build_directory': '.'})


writer = Instance("nbconvert.writers.FilesWriter", args=(), kw={'build_directory': ''})