Problem accessing multiple rows of data outside a PrimeReact datatable

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I have an app that is using NextJS and PrimeReact components. I am trying to filter data based on rows to utilize join tables in PostgreSQL. Basically, each row should return a name based on the meeting_id and student_id. The problem is that the useState for meetings seems to only pull the last row and return the data for that only.

Here is the code:

  const [meetingId, setMeetingId] = useState<number>(0);
  const { data: getAttendeesByMeeting } =
    api.attendees.getAttendeesByMeeting.useQuery(meetingId) as {
      data: MeetingAttendees[];

  const [attendees, setAttendees] = useState<MeetingAttendees[]>([]);
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [getAttendeesByMeeting, meetingId]);

const getName = (rowData: Meeting) => {
// Get attendees only for this meeting
const currentAttendees = attendees.filter(
  (a) => a.meeting_id ===


if (attendees.length > 0) {
  // Map attendee ids to student names
  const names = => {
    const student = getStudentsBySchool.find(
      (s) => === attendee.student_id
    console.log('student', student);
    return `${student?.first_name} ${student?.last_name}`;

  // Join names into string
  return names.join(', ');

return 'Unknown';};

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