I am developing a card game in Java and I am currently using a command line to interact and display outputs of the game. I have been representing each card suit with A letter (H - Hearts, S - Spades etc.)
I came up with the idea of using the Unicode values rather than letters to show each suit
public String toSymbol(Suit suit){
case SPADE:
return "\u2664";
return "\u2662";
case CLUB:
return "\u2667";
case HEART:
return "\u2661";
return "null";
My issue is that when trying to print these symbols they simply display our favourite Unknown Character '?'. I read that this could be due to the byte stream System.out.println() uses something too short? Instead I should use a Print Writer.
I tried this and still no results. Could it be to do with the format my commandline uses?
As commented, you should check that your
and console are set to UTF-8, and that a font is available containing glyphs for those characters.You neglected to mention your operating system, but I’ll guess it is Microsoft Windows. If so, this Question might help: Java, UTF-8, and Windows console.
We can simplify your code. Java source code supports UTF-8, so you can use the actual suit characters directly rather then use the Unicode code point escapes.
Here are the four French-suited characters, in “black” and in “white”.
See this code run successfully at Ideone.com.
By the way, you can embed knowledge of the emoji character within your enum. No need to maintain this separate method as shown in your Question.