Printing contents of cache register c7 in ARM926EJ

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I'm trying to see the contents of cache register and the status of dirty bit in c7 before and after cleaning D cache. This link: says that "If the cache contains any dirty lines, bit 30 is set to 0. If the cache contains no dirty lines, bit 30 is set to 1." I have a variable c7Value initialized to 15(Random number)

"tc_loop:   \n"

    "MRC p15, 0, %[c7Value], c7, c10, 3             \n"     //Read value of c7 after cleaning

    "BNE tc_loop            \n"
    :[c7Value] "=r"(c7Value)


When I print the value of c7Value after the above loop, the value comes out to zero. I thought that only the 30th bit will be set to 0, if it finds any cache line dirty.

Also, is there a way to just read the content of c7 without cleaning it?

Other registers like c1 can be read as :"MRC p15, 0, R1, c1, C0, 0", but there is no instruction to read c7.

Therefore, can someone please tell me know how to print the cache contents and/or read contents of c7(to check dirty status)?


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