Print on PowerShell Console in different format depending on different Condition

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I have written a logging function for my PowerShell Script, which will log the Input to the file, at the same time also display the same onto the output screen. While displaying the output on the screen, depending on different matching conditions, the Output will be displayed in different colors. I have used switch statement to compare the input to a set of conditions and then display the output.

However I feel that this approach is not efficient, considering there are over 20 condition that are to be met, each will have its own formatting. Can anyone suggest an alternative approach or any optimal change that can be done in this approach ?

Below is a sample code :

    [String] WriteLog([string]$LogString)
        #Logging to File
        If (!(Test-Path $this.LogFile)) {New-Item -Path $this.LogFile -Force}
        Add-content $this.LogFile -value $LogString

        #Printing on Console
        switch -CaseSensitive -Wildcard ($LogString)
                Write-host $LogString -fore Green -nonewline
                Write-host $LogString -fore Yellow -nonewline
                Write-host $LogString -fore Red-nonewline

                Write-Host $LogString  -NoNewline -fore Red -BackgroundColor White -nonewline
                Write-Host "       " $LogString 


There are 1 answers

fabrisodotps1 On

If you would have just a wildcard string to check and a foreground color depending on the wildcard, you could use a hashtable with key & value:

# Hashtable for foreground color
$foregroundColorHT = @{
    '*PASSED*' = 'Green'
    '*Warnings.*' = 'Yellow'
    '*Fail*' = 'Red'
    '*Run*' = 'Red'

function WriteLog([string]$LogString)
    #Logging to File
    If (!(Test-Path $this.LogFile)) {New-Item -Path $this.LogFile -Force}
    Add-content $this.LogFile -value $LogString

    # Get the foregound color
    $foregroundColorKey = $foregroundColorHT.Keys | Where-Object { $LogString -clike $_ }

    # Printing on Console
    if ($foregroundColorKey) {
        # If a wildcard value exists in the hashtable
        $foregroundColorValue = $foregroundColorHT.$($foregroundColorKey)
        Write-host $LogString -fore $foregroundColorValue -nonewline

    } else {
        # If no match was found in the hashtable
        Write-Host "       " $LogString

WriteLog -LogString "Testcase Failed!!"

In your case you have also a background color depending to the wildcard string, so as an alternative to your switch statement you could use a psobject array:

# PSObject array for foreground and background colors
$colorArray = @()

$colorArray += New-Object psobject -Property @{ Wildcard = '*PASSED*'; FGC = 'Green'; BGC = $null}
$colorArray += New-Object psobject -Property @{ Wildcard = '*Warnings.*'; FGC = 'Yellow'; BGC = $null}
$colorArray += New-Object psobject -Property @{ Wildcard = '*Fail*'; FGC = 'Red'; BGC = $null}
$colorArray += New-Object psobject -Property @{ Wildcard = '*Run*'; FGC = 'Red'; BGC = 'White'}

function WriteLog([string]$LogString)
    #Logging to File
    If (!(Test-Path $this.LogFile)) {New-Item -Path $this.LogFile -Force}
    Add-content $this.LogFile -value $LogString

    # Get the color
    $color = $colorArray | Where-Object { $LogString -clike $_.Wildcard }
    # Printing on Console
    if ($color) {
        # If a wildcard value exists in the psobject array
        $foregroundColor = $color.FGC
        $backgroundColor = $color.BGC

        if ($backgroundColor) {
            Write-host $LogString -fore $foregroundColor -BackgroundColor $backgroundColor -nonewline
        } else {
            Write-host $LogString -fore $foregroundColor -nonewline
    } else {
        # If no match was found in the psobject array
        Write-Host "       " $LogString

WriteLog -LogString "Testcase Running!!"