print a print document appear different from print document preview c#

550 views Asked by At

This is my problem:

I have a print document on my c# program. When i see the print preview dialog of print document all appears correctly but when i print this document the image on the document appear oversize and cut on the edge. I try on my pc (Windows 7 1920x1080) all works correctly but when i try to print same document on my second pc (Windows 8 1366x768) i have this problem.....

I try to change Graphics.PageUnit to Point from Display but it always not work...

Draw image extract of my programm

        Rectangle logo = new Rectangle(x, yLogo - 11, 136, 67);
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(penTransparent, logo);
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(settaggi.pathLogo().ToString()), logo);

Can anyone help me?


P.S.: If i try to print it with virtual printer like PDF24 all appears correct


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