I use a primeng dropdown input and I want to make the div that holds the label placeholder to have 100% width.
Here is how I use it:
<div class="ui-grid ui-grid-responsive ui-fluid">
<div class="ui-grid-row">
<div class="ui-grid-col-2">
<p-dropdown [options]="solutionsDropDownData" [(ngModel)]="solutionDropDownValue" placeholder="Solution..."
[filter]="true" (onChange)="onSolutionChange($event)">
The problem is that I get a space after the placeholder while I want the placeholder to be full width. The space can be seen below:
When I choose an other value, with smaller length for example, the width of the space changes, it becomes bigger if I used the same example.
I already tried this approaches, but none of them worked:
used autoWidth parameter, but this one gives me
Can't bind to 'autoWidth' since it isn't a known property of 'p-dropdown'.
error if I use it with brackets; the error disappears if I use it without brackets, but it doesn't work (I mention that I imported the DropdownModule);used css classes like below (I used them separately and both, alternatively):
.ui-dropdown-label-container{ width:100% !important; }
.ui-dropdown .ui-dropdown-panel { min-width: 100% !important; width: max-content; }
used style parameter.
I managed to solve this by adding the code below:

Basically, I just added the dropdown inside a div and changed the background color of the div that's containing it.