Using primefaces password tag, I want to use the match as shown in the show case but with on blur validation, I use the following code:
<h:form id="formulaire">
<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true" autoUpdate="true" />
<p:password id="pwd1" value="#{registrationBean.user.password}"
size="47" label="Password" required="true"
placeholder="Password*" >
<f:validateLength minimum="6" />
<p:ajax event="blur"/>
<br />
<p:password id="pwd2" value="#{registrationBean.user.password}"
size="47" label="Verification" required="true"
placeholder="Verification*" match="pwd1">
<p:ajax event="blur"/>
<p:commandButton action="#{registrationBean.register}" value="register"/>
I use the match on the verification, to avoid displaying the error message before trying to reproduce it. the problem is that growl always displays the error message. Even when I put the match on the first field, the growl error keeps showing. Thank you for your help.
The Best solution I managed to get is the following:
<p:password id="pwd1" value="#{registrationBean.password}"
size="47" label="Password" required="true"
placeholder="Password*" match="pwd2">
<f:validateLength minimum="6" />
<br />
<p:password id="pwd2" value="#{registrationBean.password}"
size="47" label="Verification" required="true"
placeholder="Verification*" >
<p:ajax process="pwd1 pwd2" event="blur"/>
the draw back is that there is no ajax verification after password is entered (length...), this is done only once the verification is entered. (still looking for a better solution)