I'm writing an app in swift that lives in the menu bar at the top of the screen. I need both a global and local event monitor to open the popover on a specific key press. There is no problem with the local event monitor, but when the user hits the key command (cmd+shift+8) from inside an app like Finder, the popover opens but the mac error "Funk" sound is played as well. Is there any way I can disable this? Perhaps some way for the app to eat the sound, or register it as a valid keyboard shortcut so the sound is never played?
Here is the code:
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching: NSEventMask.keyDown, handler: {(event: NSEvent!) -> Void in
if (event.keyCode == 28 && event.modifierFlags.contains(NSEventModifierFlags.command) && event.modifierFlags.contains(NSEventModifierFlags.shift)){
self.togglePopover(sender: self)
NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: NSEventMask.keyDown, handler: {(event: NSEvent!) -> NSEvent? in
if (event.keyCode == 28 && event.modifierFlags.contains(NSEventModifierFlags.command) && event.modifierFlags.contains(NSEventModifierFlags.shift)){
self.togglePopover(sender: self)
return event
I ended up using MASShortcut as a workaround solution to this issue.