Prevent App Engine hot reload on change in PyCharm .idea folder

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The App Engine local dev server reloads every time there's a change to files - which is cool. What's uncool is that it also reloads on changes in .idea folder of the PyCharm editor, cluttering the logs. Tried adding this to app.yaml: skip_files: - ^(.*/)?#.*#$ - ^(.*/)?.*~$ - ^(.*/)?.*\.py[co]$ - ^(.*/)?.*/RCS/.*$ - ^(.*/)?\..*$ - ^\.idea$ # added this line in order to try and ignore .idea folder on build

This didn't help. Still rebuilds every time I do arbitrary stuff in the editor (not changing any code).

How can I tell App Engine dev server which folder to ignore for hot reload?


There are 1 answers

A.Queue On --help mentions:

--watcher_ignore_re WATCHER_IGNORE_RE
                        Regex string to specify files to be ignored by the
                        filewatcher. (default: None)

In this case this is related to, which will detect changes in local app.yaml and reload local server, while app.yaml running in GAE is not supposed to do because reloading is done by gcloud app deploy.